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Showing questions from category : Financial Transactions
Question: iam a MCA GRADUATE,my question is whether i can applay for the bank job,becuase the jobs in the bank surrounded by itrests.yhat is why iam asking ,or can i applay for the IT officer instead the clerk post?
Question: I got an investment with standard bank and now I want to Sell, Its a unit trusts. My contributon is R10000-00 and the total that I will receive in excess is R30 000-00. Which means that the R20000-00 is interst and must be distributed to charity?Am I correct in saying the above?
Question: is it allowed to buy National premium Bond. If awarded an prize, will it be haram. You can buy any amounts of Bonds that you wish, Instead of giving out ‘interest’ you are entered in prize draw every month.
Question: We did not ask them for the money nothing they gave it so would it be permissible to spend this money?
Question: we will have to give a place for bank in our office to provide loans because customer will be interested to buy flats only if they get loans .
Question: Please could you advise whether there is anything here that contradicts the Shar’ee principles. I would appreciate a detailed response
Question: Is it ok to deliver food that is not halal? (like a delivery job?)
Question: Is purchasing a vehicle through the bank haraam because of the interest or because of the insurance?
Question: I am Ubed Shipra from India. I am working in a Stock Broking Firm, so Mufti Saheb could you tell me whether it is advisable to work or not in the light of Islam.
Question: …the newspaper that i deliver adverties alcohol . Is it halal for me to keep distrubiting this paper…

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