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Showing questions from category : Quran
Is that permissible to read Surahs From the Holy Quran during Tahajjud of Sunnah Prayer
Abu Huraira (RA) Narrates that i have received two types of Knowledge from Muhammad (Pbuh) and i have propagated only one type. If i will propagate another type of knowledge i will b killed….What is the possible type of this second knowledge ??
I have a Word for Word Qur’an and i have heard that if we remember all the words from the Qur’an we can understand and speak Arabic,
Response to contradiction within Quran raised by a Christian
When I listened to the qirat of Qari Abdul Basit, I heard in-between the last ayaat of a surah and begining of another surah, he says (for certain surahs), “La ilaha illallahu allahu akbar walillahil hamdu bismillahir rahmanir rahim…” What does that means? Do we actually need to say this?
1) Do you have to have wudu when handling a digital quran?…Can a Maazur be imam and lead namaaz?
Can i read quran loud when i am alone in the room and also when my husband is in the room….Can i recite quran and other duas in namaz loud enough that only i can here.
the verse of holy Quran3:90 speaks about.. people who leave islam after accepting &then incerase in diss belief there is no repentence.. for them. And at anothere place in quran Allah ( SwT) speaks…
I have read in one of the answers that you had given to someone that a woman in her menses is neither allowed to touch nor recite quran. I have learning quran by heart and according to my muallima it is allowed under such circumtances to recite listen and recite quran without touching its letters? please reply to me as soon as possible as i will have to miss my tajweed classes.
Few days ago in anger i said “throw the Qur’an” Allah Forbid!, …so how can i ask for forgivness from Allah about this?…Can i put the Qur’an straight or lay it on a side please tell me which one is better?
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