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Showing questions from category : Quran
Question: I was wondering if you could briefly discuss the history around the revelation of SURAH FATEHA, is it formatted such that ALLAH TA’ALA in his infinite mercy was showing us a way to supplicate towards him?
Question: Is it permissable to underline verses in the Quran as an aid to study?
Question: in islam is it permissable for a women to go to other state & stay there in hostel & complete her P.G?…is it permissable to read QURAA’N during the makrooh time?
Question: Is the word ashraful makhluqat present in quran. If not then why human beings are regarded as ashraful makhluqat. Can you please provide references
Question: it necessary or even desirable for a woman to cover her head whilst the Qur’aan is being recited or whilst the adhaan is being given or whilst a dars/lecture is being imparted?
Question: i have a pocket quran on my mobile phone i wanted to know if i could pray it without wudhu or weather i could touch it or not without wudhu
Question: Whenever I read the Holy Quran or pray my Salah he likes to disturb me by jumping or putting his feet up or standing in front of me when I pray…How should I correct him? Should I punish him or rebuke him angrily or should I have patience and speak to him gently?
Question: which quraanic verse describe the prayer timings and prohibition for ladies to go outside without hijab
Question: What exactly should we understand by the quranic designation of Nabi [saw] as a ‘Witness’.
Question: one time Egyptian government forbade anyone to have a beard but that is not the case anymore, so why do they still not grow a beard? also they get paid huge amounts of money for reciting the quran…is this allowed?

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