Question Summary: Will this divorce occur which was given by ambiguous words? Question Detail:
I have a question. There is this couple who where married and used to fight and argue a lot , and on numerous occasions (more than 3 times), during their fights, the wife would threaten to leave and the husbands respond would be, 'Good, get out of my house' or words of similar meaning and intent. The wife eventually did leave the house and started living independent of her husband for the last few years. Upon inquiry with the Jamiat by the wife, she was told that that the nikah has been dissolved and talaq had taken effect. When the husband objected to the ruling, the jamiat than changed the ruling that the nikah is still valid. Talaq-e-bain states the 'if the husband utters ambiguous words or any such ambiguous terms which could mean Talaq or merely a threat, than his niyyat will be determined' The husband is known to be a perpetual gambler, liar and gangster, which is part of the reasons for the wife wanting to leave the marriage and mental abuse. What is the correct ruling in this respect? Is the nikah still in effect? And would their being together be halaal or haraam?
Answer :
In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. As-salāmu ‘alaykum wa-rahmatullāhi wa-barakātuh. The statement “Good, get out of my house” falls under the category of ambiguous words (alfaaz al-kinaayah) for Talaaq. In such a situation, if the husband intended a divorce, then only will Talaaq al-baain (irrevocable divorce) will take place. In the inquired situation, if the husband denies intent of a divorce, then the statement will not constitute a divorce. Accordingly, the Nikah will be valid even until now.[1] The ruling of the Jam’iat is thus correct.[2] The wife may make use of the marriage counseling department of the Jam’iat to address her problems concerning her husband’s habit and attitude towards her. And Allah Ta’āla Knows Best AbdulMannan Nizami Student Darul Iftaa Chicago, IL, USA Checked and Approved by, Mufti Ebrahim Desai.