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Where should Moazzin stand to say second Azaan on Friday?

Question Detail:

Where should Moazzin stand to say second Azaan on friday ?? Usualll Ulamas say that in front of Imam sitting on Member , it is Sunnah to say this Azaan. But I have read in Anwar ul Bari , Vol 17 , pages 97-99 written by Maulana Ahmad Raza Bignori r.a that Maulana Anwar Shah Kashmiri r.a said that this act of saying second Azaan in front of Imam was introduced by Bani Umayya Ruler Hisham bin Abdul Malik, and futher said that related this act, there is no daleel in any four masliks of ours.
There is only reference of it in HADAYA but with no daleel. What do you say about all this ?? The pages of Anwar ul Bari , Vol 17 , pages 97-99 are attached for help. Regards Shaukat Ali Topi,KPK,pakistan +923459700318

Answer :

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
As-salāmu ‘alaykum wa-rahmatullāhi wa-barakātuh.
We are Muqallids of the Hanafi mazhab(school of thought). Taqleed means to follow the Hanafi mazhab as explained by the Hanafi Fuqaha (jurists) without seeking any substantiation for their conclusions. We believe that Allah Taala blessed the Fuqaha with deep understanding of the Shariah and we place our trust on their rulings.
The second Azaan on Friday is given in front of the Imaam while the Imaam is seated on the mimbar. We have produced 8 references below to support the fact that. The discussion in Anwarul Bari and other academic works is for academic consideration and consumption for the Ulamaa only. The general masses will be guided by the rulings of the Fuqaha (jurists).
And Allah Ta’āla Knows Best
Ismail Dawoodjee
Student Darul Iftaa

Checked and Approved by,
Mufti Ebrahim Desai.

قيل الاذان الاول باعتبار الشروعية و هو الذى بين يدي المنبر (حلبى كبير ص560 رشيدية)
و يواذن ثانيا بين يديه اى الخطيب (در المختار ج2 161 سعيد)
و اذا صعد الامام المنبر جلس و اذن المؤذن بين يدي المنبر (الهداية ج1 ص181 رحمانية)
قال ابو جعفر و اذا زالت الشمس يوم الجمعة جلس الامام على المنبر و اذن المؤذنون بين يديه و امتنع الناس من الشراء و البيع وأخذوا في السعي الى الجمعة فاذا فرغ المؤذنون من الأذان قام الامام فخطب خطبتين يفصل بينهما بجلسة خفيفة (شرح مختصر ج2 ص114 السراج)
احسن الفتاوى ج4 ص136 سعيد
امداد الفتاوى ج1 ص553 دار العلوم كراتتشى
فتاوى محمودية ج8 ص301 فاروقية
تحفة  الالمعى ج2 ص388 زمزم

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