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Question Summary:
What is the Islamic ruling of listening to ‘Islamic’ Nasheeds?

Question Detail:

Is listening to islaamic nasheed allowed in islam?
for instance, the nasheeds of Sheikh Mishary Rashid Alafsy. Are they allowed in islaam?

Answer :

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
As-salāmu ‘alaykum wa-rahmatullāhi wa-barakātuh.
In principle, it will be permissible to listen to “Islamic” Nasheeds if the following conditions are met: It should

  • not contain sounds of musical instruments ( even though it may be computerized)
  • not be for pure entertainment
  • not have haram content
  • not emulate music
  • not lead to negligence in Salah, the remembrance of Allah and other obligations of Shariah [1]
  • Very seldom do present day Nasheeds refrain from the abovementioned prohibitions.
    It is a norm nowadays that Nasheeds are labelled as “Islamic” despite containing many things that are un-Islamic. The purpose of Nasheeds is
    1. To create the love of Allah Ta’ala within the hearts of the listeners.
    2. To encourage people to follow the Sunnah of Rasullullah Sallallahu Alayhi Wa Sallam.
    3. To encourage the listeners to inculcate good qualities such as piety, love of Islam and preparation for the hereafter
    4. To create an aversion for sin within the hearts of the people.
    5. To enjoin good and forbid evil.
    And Allah Ta’āla Knows Best
    Muntasir Zaman
    Student Darul Iftaa

    Checked and Approved by,
    Mufti Ebrahim Desai.

    [1] احكام القران للتهانوي 235/3


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