Question Summary: What is the definition of a major sin? Question Detail:
What defines a major sin [Kaba'ir] in the Usul of the Hanafi's? - Could you please elaborate on this.
Answer :
In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. As-salāmu ‘alaykum wa-rahmatullāhi wa-barakātuh. In Sharhul Aqaaid, Imam Shamsuddin Taftazani, rahmatullahu alayhi, has enumerated the following as major sins:
Shirk (ascribing partners to Allah)
Killing a person without justification is Shariah
To accuse a chaste woman of adultery
Fleeing from the battlefield
Practicing magic
Wrongfully using the money of an orphan
Disrespecting the parents
Drinking alchohol[1]
It is noteworthy to remember that some scholars have also said that there is, in fact, no such thing as a minor sin and that all sins are major. Another important thing to keep in mind is that no major sin remains a sin after sincere tawbah and that consistency in any sin will result in a major sin.[2] For a detailed list on the major sins, it is recommended that you read a book called “Al-Kabaa’ir” by Imam Dhahabi. This book can be read from the following link: And Allah Ta’āla Knows Best Muhammad Haris Siddiqui Student Darul Iftaa Melbourne, Australia Checked and Approved by, Mufti Ebrahim Desai.
[1] النبراس شرح شرح العقائد ص.223 مكتبة حقانية
[2] مرقات المفاتيح 1121 دار الفكر
النبراس شرح شرح العقائد ص.225 مكتبة حقانية
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