Question Summary: What is Tasawwuf and Tazkiyyah? Question Detail:
I've not been associated with the ulema of deoband for long, before I was a non practicing brelvi. Although Allah swt has given me the thufiq to understand a little bit more, I'm still confused on a few matters. No1: I take part sometimes, not all the time in thabligh due to a busy schedule. I've been told by some brothers who said to me. That I should go to the majilises of their sheikh. And that it's necessary for your islah. Now here is where the question arrises. Because I have a busy schedule I hardly make time for thabligh. Now the brothers want me to also do this. Do I have to do it?, is it necessary.? Can't my Islah and tharbiyah be done in thabligh? Please enlighten me sheikh.
Answer :
In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. As-salāmu ‘alaykum wa-rahmatullāhi wa-barakātuh. Almighty Allah Talaa sent Nabi Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam with three missions: Dawah (inviting others to Islam), Taleem (education) and Tazkiyyah (purification of the soul). Allah Taala refers to the three missions of Rasulullah Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam in the Qur’aan: ربنا وابعث فيهم رسولا منهم يتلوا عليهم ايتك و يعلمهم الكتاب و الحكمة و يزكيهم O our Rabb, send to them a messenger from among them who will recite Your verses to them, teach them the Book and wisdom and purify them. (Surah Baqara-129) All three missions of Rasulullah Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam are equally important and each one compliments and supports the other. This may be illustrated by an example of the body. There are three areas of the body, the head, the upper part and the lower part. Taleem is like the head of the body. The head contains a brain through which a person thinks, reasons, assesses and decides. Similarly, Taleem is a means of producing educated people that think, reason, assess and solve the Deeni challenges faced by the Ummah. Tazkiyah is like the upper body which has the heart through which a person experiences emotions and feelings. Similarly, Tazkiyah is like the heart and control point of ones Imaan. If the heart is purified with correct beliefs and evil is removed from it, then the Imaan of a person will be strong and firm. Dawat & Tableegh is like the lower body. The lower body consists of legs and feet by which a person is able to move. Similarly, by means of taking the Deen and its message to the people, the effort of Dawat & Tableegh encourages the people to educate themselves, purify themselves and practice on Deen. It is clear from the above example that just as the head or body or feet function in close harmony with each other and complement each other, likewise, each one of the three missions of Rasulullah Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam work in harmony with each other and complement each other. If a person only concentrates on Tableegh and he does not educate himself or does not cleanse himself from the evil traits of the nafs, his effort in Tableegh will not be beneficial to him or to others. Likewise, if one only concentrates on Taleem but does not cleanse himself or does not do Tableegh, his knowledge will not have the desired effect. Similarly, if one is only in the field of Tazkiyah but he does not educate himself or does not take part or support Tableegh, his Tazkiyah will have a defect. A person taking part in Tableegh, Tazkiyah or Taleem should take active part in the other two or at least support them. This attitude will enhance the field he is actively engaged in. We are a moderate Ummah, our attitude in everything should be of moderation and balance. An extreme or negligent approach in any aspect of Deen presents a skewed view of Deen. Reverting to your question, if you are under time constraints and you have time for either Tableegh or Majlis, then you should consider alternating your time. At times take part in Tableegh and at other times take part in Islahi gatherings. The article on fatwa number 27128 ( on Islah and Baiat will be useful to you. And Allah Ta’āla Knows Best Ismail Dawoodjee Student Darul Iftaa Zambia Checked and Approved by, Mufti Ebrahim Desai.