Question Summary: What is a person to do if they are in doubt about the amount, types, and dates of qadha Prayers they have from the past? Question Detail:
What is a person to do if they are in doubt about the amount, types, and dates of qadha Prayers they have from the past?
Answer :
In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. As-salāmu ‘alaykum wa-rahmatullāhi wa-barakātuh. If one does not know the exact type and number of missed (qadha) Salah, then one should apply one’s mind and make an honest estimation of the missed faraz and witar Salahs and make up for them. It is advisable to make an over estimate to be sure. One doesn’t need to know the dates of qadah Salah. The intention should be of for example first qadah Salah of Fajar. Once the Fajar has been performed, the next Fajar will be the first qadah of Fajar. The same procedure should be done for all missed Salahs respectively.[1] And Allah Ta’āla Knows Best Ismail Dawoodjee Student Darul Iftaa Zambia Checked and Approved by, Mufti Ebrahim Desai. [1] اى و يسقط الترتيب بالنسيان و هو عدم تذكر الشئ وقت حاجته و هو عذر سماوى مسقط للتكليف (البحر ج2 ص83 سعيد) و كذا فى (الرد المحتار ج2 ص68 سعيد) فتاوى محمودية ج7 ص364 م قاروقية و قد قالوا انما تقضى الصلوات الخمس و الوتر على قول ابي حنيفة (البحر ج2 ص80 سعيد)
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