Question Summary: What do I do if return an item and receive more money than I paid? Question Detail:
I would like to know, suppose you accidentally recieved more money back than what you originally paid for an item that you returned at some store, what should you do with the extra money? If they don't ask for it and it would be an inconvenience to for bringing it back (time spent driving and money spent on gas), would it be permissible to donate the extra money to charity instead?
Answer :
In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. As-salāmu ‘alaykum wa-rahmatullāhi wa-barakātuh. In principle, it is necessary for you to give back the extra amount you received to the store. [1] If it is difficult for you to return the extra amount to the store, you may inform them and request them to come and collect the amount from you or make some alternate arrangements.[2] If the store states that you do not have to return the amount then, you may use it or donate it as charity (sadaqh). However, you cannot donate the money without contacting the store. [3] And Allah Ta’āla Knows Best Ismail Dawoodjee Student Darul Iftaa Zambia Checked and Approved by, Mufti Ebrahim Desai. [1] اما لو أخذه على أن يرده لمالكه فان كان مالكه معلوما كان في يده امانة ويلزم تسليمه الى مالكه وان لم يكن مالكه معلوما فهو لقطة ويكون في يد ملتقته اي اخذه امانة أيضا (مجلة الاحكام ص233 دار ابن حزم) [2] يلزم رد الوديعة لصاحبها اذا طلب ومونة الرد والتسليم اي مصارفهما و كافتهما عائدة الى المودع واذا طلبها المودع فلم يسلمها له المستودع و هلكت او ضاعت ضمنها (مجلة الاحكام ص241 دار ابن حزم) [3] ان كان أخذ باذن صاحبه لايضمن لانه امانة (مجلة الاحكام ص233 دار ابن حزم) أذا هلك مال شخص في يد اخر فان كان اخذه اياه بدون اذن صاحبه لايضمن لانه امانة في يده (مجلة الاحكام ص233 دار ابن حزم)
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