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Question Summary:
Uncertainty in Wudhu

Question Detail:

Mufti sahb, help me. I'm in a dire situation. I've some questions regarding salah, wudhu, and ghusl; and some of them have bothered me to the level that I feel like I may just go crazy. I'm going to describe my problem as precisely as I can. 1) I've been having trouble with wudhu, salah and ghusl. In my country, in summer, mostly fans are used to keep the mosque airy. In the beginning, I used to consider the little feeling near/on my  anus as mere feelings while being near or right under a running fan, praying. But, one night, while I was praying Isha fardh alone in a friend's house in a room where there was no air current, th e same 'feeling' came. I ignored it, but then I felt like I smelled something. After the fardh prayer, I had another 'feeling' and this time, I could smell it for sure. Since then, I've been stressed as whether the other feelings were also with stink because, usually , due to the running fans, the air current would take the stink away or the fart has less or undetectable stink; but I'm sure that those feelings were identical to the ones I ignored before. Now, three of these cases happen with me near/on time of any salah/wudhu/ghusl:     (i)  I have no feeling after wudhu/ghusl, or dur ing wudhu/ghusl, or during salah.         (ii) I get feelings but no strong feeling (i.e. these are the same feelings I used to ignore) of wind     passing after wudhu/ghusl, or during wudhu/ghusl, or during salah (or any combination of these 3     scenarios).         (iii)I get feelings like something got out from my anus(fairly strong feeling or sure wind passing,     with/without sound/smell) after wudhu/ghusl, or during wudhu/ghusl, or during salah (or any     combination of t hese 3 scenarios).         Case (i) happens for at least 0 salahs per day and at most 3 salahs per day (this scenario of 3 salahs     per day is infrequent), and I have no way to predict which case is going to be for which salah on what     day after eating what sort of food. And, case (ii) and (iii) often happen multiple times and rarely     for just a single time, for any salah/wudhu/ghusl. In case of wudhu and ghusl, I'd just restart them     upon case (ii) and (iii), again and again, but they kept on coming i.e. during my wudhu/ghusl after     breakage of the previous one, I'd again have case (ii) or case (iii) (mostly multiple times) and would     end up just restarting wudhu/ghusl again and again but the cases don't go away during those     wudhus/ghusls; or I'd just ignore them as I thought that they're just going to appear multiple     times(and they often did). Some foods did boost-up/enforce case (iii) or add stink to case (ii)     though (which was also eaten that night when I was at my friend's house, that time it was chicken), but      the  overall situation remained as problematic as described. And, whether I relieved myself     before every salah or not, didn't make any difference, in fact, case (ii) and (iii) ((iii) being     slightly less likely) were more likely to come if I relieved myself before salah/wudhu/ghusl. All this     happens exactly around salah/wudhu/ghusl. Whether I perform salah at some exact timing or just right     before the time was over or in between, didn't make any difference (except maybe sometimes for Isha as     it has quite a long time, roundabout 6+ hours at least). Praying alone resulted in somewhat less     occurrenc es of case (ii) and (iii) (perhaps due to the freedom of movement, unlike in congregation).     And, the timings of case(ii) and (iii) may vary during wudhu/salah/ghusl from beginning wudhu to the     end of the salah, even being in first two rakat or later(I'm not sure which is more frequent of the     two scenarios i.e. in first two rakats or after them; maybe more in the first two rakats).         I also have a few fears:                 1)not being able to do anything due to just doing wudhus and salahs all day.                 2)not performing acceptable salahs.     I don't know whether they may be linked to my problem though, and nor could I find some consistent     pattern with respect to my diet.         Its like the moment I start doing wudhu, there is something just ready to emit out with varying time     of emission (i.e. case (ii) and (iii)), and I suspect that its due to the postures during wudhu (I've     tried performing wudhu while standing, sitting etc, but no considerab le results) as they strech the     body, including the hip muscles and consequently anus.         I thought of myself as ma'zur so I didn't pay attention to them until I read fatwa # 16687 on your     website; since I thought that I may fall under it as my chances of attempting error-free somewhat     increase praying alone, so, I started to do so. But then, during a fardh Isha prayer in congregation,     I clearly felt something moveing out from my anus, a sure fart, so, I redid my wudhu and then     rejoined, after just a little while of which, I again sensed that sort of thing leaving my anus (twice     this time with interval of a few seconds), but, I didn't go to repeat wudhu this time and continued.     After the congregational prayer ended, I went to redo wudhu for Witr and then I'd just keep on     smelling my fart during my wudhus and would just restart until I got fed up and performed one and     prayed Witr and came back home.         Last night, during wudhu, I felt like I smelled stink, but ignored it and continued. Later on, after     completing fardh salah in congregation, when I was doing Witr salah, in first rakat, I felt again like     I smelled something, then in second, I smelled it for sure, and terminated salah and went to repeat    wudhu. I did 2 or 3 wudhus, all of which, in between I felt the smell. Then, I came home and waited     for a time when I could think to perform wudhu and salah to be safe. I kept myself awake most part of     the night, slept for about an hour, and then offered Isha salah when its time was about to run out,     even then, I had case(ii), and I just performed salah, and then, had ghusl, twice since I had case     (ii) in between it, and right after I completed the second one, once again case(ii), but I thought I'm     not able to do more than that as it may as well just end up repeating wudhu, and performed the     congregational prayer.
Kindly guide me on all the situations covered by the description above.
Also, on your website, I’ve read two views about the validity of wudhu of a ma’zur:
1) It lasts as long as one doesn’t perform all the fardhs and waajibs of one salah. These are how I interpreted it:
I) One can offer only waajib and fardh salah of a particular salah, e.g. 4 fardh rakats in Duhr salah, 4 fardh rakats and 3 Witr wajib rakats in Isha salah, since there was no keyword ‘sunnah’ in it, I assumed that I can’t perform sunnah rakat with it.
II) e.g. that one can perform only fardh salah of Isha with one wudhu and that a separate would be required for the Witr wajib, and separate wudhu for sunnah rakats as well.
2) It lasts for a whole salah time. This is how I interpreted it:
I) e.g. if time for Asr salah is 4:00 to 5:30, then a wudhu made in that time interval would last for the whole time interval. (Does it include sunnah salahs and recitation of Holy Quran as well?)
II) When one does a wudhu, it will last as long as it will take one to complete one’s whole salah e.g. in case of Isha salah it being the time in which one can perform fardh salah( with/without sunnah salah) and Witr salah, in case of Duhr salah it being the time in which one can perform fardh salah(with/without sunnah salah).
Kindly guide me on this issue of wudhu validity of a ma’zur.
    2) How much mani or wadi can one have on his clothes and would be allowe d to offer salah? And, is there need of repeatition of ghusl in case of delayed ejaculation (ghusl was performed earlier after waking up, but mani/mazi was discharged afterwards)? Query2:
What is the proper and/or fardh way of performing masah during wudhu? JazakAllah

Answer :

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
As-salāmu ‘alaykum wa-rahmatullāhi wa-barakātuh.
1) We take note of your three situations, no feelings, weak feelings, and strong feelings. According to Shariah, your wudhu will be regarded as intact until you are certain that you have passed wind. Merely having feelings are not sufficient. The rule is;
اليقين لا يزول بالشك[1]
“Certainty cannot be removed through doubts.”
What you are experiencing is ‘waswasah’ (doubts created by Shaytaan). When you perform Wudhu, there is certainty that you have purity. Once you have certainty in a matter, it can only be removed by certainty.[2][3]
2) If a person is confirmed a Ma’zoor. When he makes wudhu, the wudhu will remain valid for the entire salah time. For example, if someone has extensive bleeding and the time for Zuhr commences at 12:30pm and the ending time for Zuhr is 4pm, the wudhu made at 12:30 will remain until 4pm. The bleeding in between will not invalidate his wudhu. In that time, he can read Zuhr salah, qaza salah, sunnats, Quran, etc. with the same wudhu.[4][5][6]  
3) Mani and wadi are najasat-e-ghaeezah (severe impurities). In principle, if a severe impurity is lesser than the area of a dirham or hollow of the plam which is approximately 5.94cm, then the salah will be valid but makruh if the impurity could be easily removed. If the severe impurity is equivalent to the size of a dirham or hollow of one’s palm or more, then the salah with such an impurity will be invalid.[7][8][9][10]
4) To answer this query, we must first explain the different types of seminal fluids;
a) Mani – Thick white fluid which emanates with force and passion after which the erection subsides.[11] 
b) Mazi – Thin fluid that comes out due to arousal.[12]
c) Wadi – Pre or post urinal emission.[13]
If mazi or wadi is discharged, only wudhu and removing the najaasah is necessary.
If mani is discharged whilst having an erection and being aroused, then ghusl will be fardh. If one does not have an erection and is not aroused, the emission of mani will not necessitate ghusl. However, mani is najaasat-e-ghaleezah which has to be removed.[14][15][16]
5) The fardh of masah is wiping one-fourth of the head.[17]
The Sunnah method of performing masah is that the hands should be placed on the forehead and drawn towards the back of the head in a manner that encompasses the entire head.[18]
And Allah Ta’āla Knows Best
Saad Haque
Student Darul Iftaa
New Jersey, USA 
Checked and Approved by,
Mufti Ebrahim Desai.

[1] شرح القوائد الفقهية ص٧٩

[2] احسن الفتاوي جلد٢ ص٢٩

[3] ولو أيقن بالطهارة وشك بالحدث أو بالعكس أخذ باليقين - الدر المختار علي صدر رد المختار جلد١ ص١٥٠

[4] فتاوي حقانية جلد٢ ص٥١٩ 

[5] (وصاحب عذر من به سلس) بول لا يمكنه إمساكه (أو استطلاق بطن أو انفلات ريح أو استحاضة) أو بعينه رمد أو عمش أو غرب، وكذا كل ما يخرج بوجع ولو من أذن وثدي وسرة (إن استوعب عذره تمام وقت صلاة مفروضة)

بأن لا يجد في جميع وقتها زمنا يتوضأ ويصلي فيه خاليا عن الحدث (ولو حكما) لأن الانقطاع اليسير ملحق بالعدم (وهذا شرط) العذر (في حق الابتداء، وفي) حق (البقاء كفى وجوده في جزء من الوقت) ولو مرة (وفي) حق الزوال يشترط (استيعاب الانقطاع) تمام الوقت (حقيقة) لأنه الانقطاع الكامل - الدر المختار علي صدر رد المختار جلد١ ص٣٠٥

[6] مراقي الفلاح شرح نور الإيضاح (ص 63)

وتتوضأ المستحاضة ومن به عذر كسلس بول واستطلاق بطن لوقت كل فرض ويصلون به ما شاءوا من الفرائض والنوافل ويبطل وضوء المعذورين بخروج الوقت فقط

[7] الكافي في الفقه الحنفي جلد1 ص221

نجاسة مغلظة ‏بإعتباره قلة المعفوّ عنها لا في كيفية التطهير فإنها واحدة وإنما كانت مغلظة لعدم معارضة اَي نص في نجاستها ‏كالدم المسفوح والخمر وبول الآدمي وما لا يؤكل لحمه ولعاب الكلب والخنزير ولحم الميتة ذات الدم - غير السمك والجراد وما لا دم سائل له - وبول الكلب ورجيعه ورجيع آكلة اللحوم من الحيوان كالسبع والفهد والذئب وكذا لعابها لتولدها من لحم نجس وخرء الدجاج والوز والبط لنتنه وما ينقض الوضوء بخروجه من البدن كالدم السائل والمني والمذي والودي والاستحاضة والحيض والنفاس والقيء ملء الفم

[8] اللباب جلد٢ ص١٠٣ 

(ومن أصابه من النجاسة المغلظة كالدم والبول) من غير مأكول اللحم ولو من صغير لم يطعم (والغائط والخمر) وخرء الطير لا يزرق في الهواء كذجاج وبط وإوز (مقدار الدرهم فما دونه جازت الصلاة معه: لأن القليل لا يمكن التحرز عنه؛ فيجعل عفواً، وقدرناه بقدر الدرهم أخذاً عن موضع الاستنجاء (فإن زاد) عن الدرهم (لم تجز) الصلاة، ثم يروى اعتبار الدرهم من حيث المساحة، وهو قدر عرض الكف في الصحيح، ويروى من حيث الوزن، وهو الدرهم الكبير المثقال، وقيل في التوفيق بينهما: إن الأولى في الرقيق، والثانية في الكثيف

[9] ان كان بمقدار الدرهم كره تحريما فيجب غسله وما دونه تنزيها فيسن وما فوقه مبطل فيفترض كما في الدر المختار ٣٥٠/٢ (مع ابن عابدين ط دمشق)

[10] احسن الفتاوي جلد٢ ص٨٩

[11]  اللباب في شرح الكتاب جلد٢ ص ٢٩

المني وهو: ماء أبيض خاثر ينكسر منه الذكر عند خروجه

[12] اللباب في شرح الكتاب جلد ٢ ص٣١

المذي وهو: ماء أبيض رقيق يخرج عند الملاعبة

[13] اللباب في شرح الكتاب جلد ٢ ص٣١

والودي وهو: ماء أصفر غليظ يخرج عقيب البول وقد يسبقه، يخفف ويثقل

[14] إذا خرج المني بعد الغسل فقد اختلف الفقهاء في ذلك. والراجح هو عدم وجوب الغسل إلا إذا كان خروج المني ناشئًا عن لذة طارئة، فيجب عليه الغسل - الفقه الميسر ١٠٦

[15] رد المحتار - ط. بابي الحلبي (1/ 160)

 لو خرج منه بقية المني بعد الغسل قبل النوم أو البول أو المشي الكثير

 نهر أي لا بعده لأن النوم والبول والمشي يقطع مادة الزائل عن مكانه بشهوة فيكون الثاني زائلا عن مكانه بلا شهوة فلا يجب الغسل اتفاقا

[16] امداد الفتاوي جلد١ ص٧٧

[17] والمفروض في مسح الرأس مقدار الناصية وهو ربع الرأس - اللباب جلد١ ص١١

[18] شرح سنن أبي داود للعباد (22/ 20، بترقيم الشاملة آليا)

وأن طريقة المسح تكون بالبدء من مقدمه إلى مؤخره، ثم الرجوع من مؤخره إلى مقدمه، وهو المكان الذي بدأ منه، هذا هو الحكم في مسح الرأس، وأنه يستوعب الرأس مسحاً، ويكون مسحه بالبدء من مقدمه حتى الانتهاء إلى مؤخره، ثم الرجوع إلى المكان الذي بدأ منه، وأن الأذنين من الرأس، وأنهما يمسحان بالماء الذي يمسح به الرأس؛ لأنهما من الرأس في حكم المسح، فهما يمسحان، ولا يغسلان.

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