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Question Summary:
Taraweeh Salaah: 8 or 20?

Question Detail:

In some countries, some imaams are accomplishing 8 rakaats of taraweeh salaat.
 Those who perform 8 rakaat of taraweeh salaat put forward some arguments that i can;t understand such as "in Hazrat Umar (RA) 's umaat, he was performing 8 rakaat salaat-ul-taraweeh"
what is the rulling concerning the number of rakaats in taraweeh salaat ?
can i get an in depth information concerning taraweeh salaat?

Answer :

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
As-salāmu ‘alaykum wa-rahmatullāhi wa-barakātuh.
The claim that 'Umar (Radi Allahu 'Anhu) established 8 Rak'at of Taraweeh is erroneous. Consider the following Hadith:
عن يزيد بن رومان أنه قال كان الناس يقومون في زمان عمر بن الخطاب في رمضان بثلث و عشرين ركعة(موطأ الإمام مالك ص-٩٨،قديمي كتب خانه)
It has been narrated from Yazid bin Ruman that he said: In the time of Umar bin Khattab the people would stand for twenty three Rak'at (twenty Taraweeh and three Witr) in Ramadan. (Muwatta ul Imam Malik pg.98, Qadimi Kutub Khana)
It is obvious that 'Umar (Radi Allahu 'Anhu) based the 20 Rak'at Taraweeh on some knowledge he had from the Prophet (Sallallahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam) or understanding of his practice. This is supported by the following:
عن ابن عباس أن رسول الله صلى الله عليه و سلم كا ن يصلي في رمضان عشرين ركعة و الوتر(المصنف لابن أبي شيبة ج-٥ ص-٢٢٥،شركة دار القبلة)
It has been narrated from Ibn Abbas that The Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam) would perform in Ramadan twenty Rak'at and Witr (Al Musannaf Li Ibn Abi Shaibah vol.5 pg.225, Sharikah Dar Al Qiblah)
This narration has a weak narrator [1](أبو شيبة); however, it is a well known principal that a narration gains strength when the practice of the Sahabah, Tabi'een and the Ummah at large support it.[2] Perhaps this is why Imam Ibn Abi Shaibah (Rahimahu Allah) quoted the practice of many other Sahabah and Tabi'een before he quoted this particular narration.
Furthermore, this practice was established in the presence of the Sahabah, none of whom objected. Therefore, 20 Rak'at Taraweeh is based on the Ijma' Al Sahabah (Consensus of Sahabah), which is a sound source in Shari'ah. Consider the following:
عن عبد الرحمن بن عبد القاري أنه قال خرجت مع عمربن الخطاب في رمضان الى المسجد فاذا الناس اوزاع متفرقون يصلي الرجل لنفسه ويصلي الرجل و يصلي بصلاته الرهط فقال عمر والله اني لأراني لو جمعت هؤلاء على قارئ واحد لكان امثل فجمعهم على أبي بن كعب..(موطأ الإمام مالك ص-٩٧،قديمي كتب خانه)
It has been narrated from Abd ul Rahman bin Abd Al Qari that he said: "I went to the masjid with Umar bin Khattab in Ramadan; the people were scattered in groups. A man would pray by himself, another would lead a congregation. Umar said, "By the oath of Allah, if I were to gather all these people behind one Imam it would be better." Thus Umar gathered them behind Ubay ibn Ka'b... (Muwatta ul Imam Malik pg.97, Qadimi Kutub Khana)
There is emphasis in many Ahadith to adhere to the Sunnah of the Sahabah (Radi Allahu 'Anhum). Consider the following Hadith:
عليكم بسنتي و سنة الخلفاء الراشدين المهديين عضوا عليها بالنواجذ(رواه أحمد ج-٢٨ ص-٣٦٧،مؤسسة الرسالة و ابن ماجه ج-١ ص-٢٨،الرسالة العالمية و اللفظ له)
Hold fast to my Sunnah and the Sunnah of the rightly guided Khulafa; hold very firm to it! (Ahmad vol.28 pg.367, Muassisah Al Risalah and Ibn Majah vol.1 pg.28, Al Risalah Al 'Alamiyyah)
The four famous Imams, Imam Abu Hanifah, Imam Malik, Imam Shafi'ee and Imam Ahmad (Rahimahum Allah), who are regarded as academic giants are unanimous that the Taraweeh is 20 Rak'at[3] or more.[4]
The misconception of 8 Rak'at Taraweeh is based on the following:
عن أبي سلمة بن عبد الرحمن أنه اخبره أنه سأل عائشة رضي الله عنها كيف كانت صلاة رسول الله صلى الله عليه و سلم في رمضان فقالت ما كان رسول الله صلى الله عليه و سلم يزيد في رمضان و لا في غيره على إحدى عشرة ركعة يصلي أربعا فلا تسل عن حسنهن و طولهن ثم يصلي أربعا فلا تسل عن حسنهن و طولين ثم يصلي ثلثا.. (بخاري ج-٢ ص-٥٣،دار المنهاج)
Abu Salamah bin Abd Al Rahman said that he asked 'Aishah (Radi Allahu 'Anha): "How would The Prophet (Salla Allahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam) perform his Salah in Ramadan?" She answered:"The Prophet (Salla Allahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam) would not increase in Ramadan or outside of it upon eleven Rak'at. He would perform four-do not ask regarding its excellence and length-then he would perform four-do not ask regarding it excellence and length-then he would perform three…" (Bukhari vol.2 pg.53, Dar Al Minhaj)
It is clear from this Hadith that 'Aishah (Radi Allah 'Anha) refers to a Salah which is performed throughout the year, not only in Ramadan. Therefore, this Salah refers to Salat Al Layl (Tahajjud).
Another misconception for 8 Rak'at Taraweeh is the following Hadith:
عن السائب بن يزيد أنه قال أمر عمر بن الخطاب أبي بن كعب و تميما الداري أن يقوما للناس باحدى عشرة ركعة..(موطأ الإمام مالك ص-٩٨،قديمي كتب خانه)
It has been reported from Al Saib bin Yazid that he said: "Omar bin Al Khattab commanded Ubayy bin Ka'b and Tamim Al Dari to lead the people in performing eleven Rak'at (eight as Taraweeh and three as Witr)" (Muwatta ul Imam Malik pg.98, Qadimi Kutub Khana)
This Hadith is classified as مضطرب. In simple words, there are conflicting and irreconcilable reports from the narrator Al Saib bin Yazid. Such a Hadith is not fit for substantiation.
Moreover, there is تعامل (Continuous Practice) of 20 Rak'at Taraweeh by the Ummah for the past 1400 years. Great Muhaditheen, Fuqahaa and Awliyaa practiced on 20 Rak'at Taraweeh. It is also worthy to note that 20 Rak'at Taraweeh has been the perpetual practice in the Haramain (Makkah and Madinah)[5] uptil today.
In keeping with the spirit of Ramadan, we advise to exert ourselves in 'Ibadah as much as possible. Consider the following Ahadith:
عَنْ عَائِشَة أَنَّ النَّبِيَّ صَلَّى اللهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ، كَانَ إِذَا دَخَلَ الْعَشْرُ أَحْيَا اللَّيْلَ، وَشَدَّ الْمِئْزَرَ، وَأَيْقَظَ أَهْلَهُ(أبو داود ج-٢ ص-٢٩٨،دار اليسر)
It has been narrated from 'Aishah (Radi Allahu 'Anha) that the Prophet (Sallallahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam) in the last ten nights would spend the entire night in 'Ibadah, exert himself and would awaken his family. (Abu Dawood vol.2 pg. 298, Dar Al Yusr)
عَنْ أَبِي هُرَيْرَةَ أَنَّ رَسُولَ اللَّهِ صَلَّى اللهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ قَالَ: «مَنْ قَامَ رَمَضَانَ إِيمَانًا وَاحْتِسَابًا، غُفِرَ لَهُ مَا تَقَدَّمَ مِنْ ذَنْبِهِ» رواه البخاري في باب تطوع قيام رمضان من الإيمان      
It has been narrated from Abu Hurairah (Radi Allahu 'Anhu) that the Prophet (Sallallahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam) said, " Whoever shall perform the Qiyam of Ramadan (Taraweeh) with faith and hope of reward, his past sins shall be wiped away" -Al Bukhari in the Chapter "Optional Prayers of Ramadan are Part of One's Iman"
If the Prophet (Sallallahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam), who has the highest rank amongst all of the creation of Allah Ta'ala, would exert himself in this month, then how much more should we exert ourselves? If we want to secure maximum mercy of Allah, then we should exert ourselves to the best of our abilities. An extra 12 Rak'at over and above the 8 Rak'at is easy, especially when there are so many people performing 20 Rak'at Taraweeh.
After all, the month of Ramadan is a month for spiritual exercise, fighting the Nafs and exerting ourselves for the pleasure of Allah.
And Allah Ta’āla Knows Best
Hisham Dawood
Student Darul Iftaa
Chicago, U.S.A.

Checked and Approved by,
Mufti Ebrahim Desai.


 انظر تحقيق الشيخ محمد عوامة على المصنف لابن أبي شيبة ج-٥ ص-٢٢٥[1]

 قواعد في علوم الحديث لظفر أحمد العثماني ص-٦٠،٦١،٦٢  [2]

التراويح سنة مؤكدة للرجال و النساء..الحاصل أن الجماعة سنة على وجه الكفاية..يصلي أهل كل مسجد في مسجدهم كل ليلة سوى الوتر  [3]

 عشرين ركعة (فتاوى قاضي خان ج-١ ص-٢٠٤- ٢٠٥، قديمي كتب خانه)

 و يستحب أن يجتمع الناس في شهر رمضان بعد العشاء فيصلي بهم إمامهم خمس ترويحات..والسنة فيها الجماعة لكن على وجه الكفاية (الهداية ج-١ ص-٤٩-٥٠، إداراة القرآن والعلوم الإسلامية)

و الجماعة فيها سنة على الكفاية وهي عشرون ركعة (تنوير الأبصار من الشامي ج-٢ ص-٤٥، ح م سعيد)

و هكذا أثبته العلامة اللكنوي في كتابه تحفة الأخيار بإحياء سنة سيد الأبرار

الترمذي ج-٢ ص-٣٢٨ (الرسالة العالمية)

 و هو قول الجمهور (الشامي ج-٢ ص-٤٥، ح م سعيد)

المغني ج-٢ ص-٣٦٤ (دار الحديث)

المغني ج-٢ ص-٣٦٦ (دار الحديث)


المدونة الكبرى ج-١ ص-٣٢٣ (دار الحديث)

المغني ج-٢ ص-٣٦٦-٣٦٧(دار الحديث)



 و هي عشرون ركعة بإجماع الصحابة..كما هو المتوارث (مراقي الفلاح ج-١ ص-٥٦٤،مكتبة الأسد)[5]

 و كذا أثبته الشيخ عطية محمد سالم في كتابه التراويح أكثر من ألف عام في المسجد النبوي 

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