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Question Summary:
Regarding Islamic inheritance and wills

Question Detail:

I want to gain a better understanding regarding Islamic inheritance and wills, so please shed some light on the following basic questions:
I know to leave an Islamic Will is very important, but what exactly is the legal ruling? Is it wajib, fardh or sunnah?
At times one lives a very simple life and did not accumulate an overwhelming amount of wealth. So, when does one become obliged to write a will or bequest?
What is considered as ones wealth/estate? Are simple things like kitchen utensils, furnitures or clothes included?
At times you live with your family as either son, father or brother and there are many things (in the household for example) that are not explicitly in the ownership of anyone and are used collectively. How to determine what really is the possession of the deceased?

These are my few questions for now. Jazak'Allah khayran in advance.

Answer :

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
As-salāmu ‘alaykum wa-rahmatullāhi wa-barakātuh.
Hereunder are answers to your queries:

  • 1.      Depending on the circumstances, making a will (bequest) can either be Wajib, Mustahabb, Mubah or Makrooh.[1]
  • Wajib (necessary): To make a bequest to pay Fidyah for missed Salahs and fasts, or missed Zakat and Hajj, or returning an entrusted item to its original owner or bequest of an unknown debt. [2]
    An important point to bear in mind is that only one third of the estate can be utilized for paying Fidyah for missed Salaahs and fasts or making a will for outstanding Zakat to be dispensed. A debt on the other hand can encompass the entire estate.[3]
       Mubah (permissible): A bequest made for a wealthy person, without the intention of reward.[4]
       Makrooh (reprehensible): A bequest that is made for a Fasiq (open transgressor).[5]
       Mustahabb (desirable): Any other bequest besides the abovementioned will fall in this category.[6]

  • 2.     If an individual has young children, then it is better for him not to make a bequest for anyone but rather he should leave his wealth for his children. Similarly, if his children are adults but they are underprivileged then too he should refrain from making a bequest for anyone. Alternatively, if his children are adults and wealthy, then he may make a bequest.[7]

  • 3.     Everything in one’s wealth will be considered as his/her estate, regardless of whether the item is of a significant or insignificant value. For example, an individual’s real estate properties, furniture and his utensils will all be included in the inheritance.

  • 4.     In order to avoid confusion at the time of distributing the deceased’s estate, it is crucial that we clarify the ownership of every item in our houses. However, if there is any uncertainty of ownership then the family should try to ascertain whether the item belong to the deceased or to another family member.
    If you require further information regarding making a bequest, then you may read the following article by Mufti Ebrahim Desai (Hafidhahullah):
    And Allah Ta’āla Knows Best
    Saleem Ibn Sajawal Khan
    Bradford, UK
    Student Darul Iftaa

    Checked and Approved by,
    Mufti Ebrahim Desai.

    [1]علي ما في المجتبي أربعة اقسام (وهي)


    [Durr al-Mukhtar, 6: 648, H.M Saeed]




    [2] (واجبة بالزكاة) والكفارة (و) فدية (الصيام والصلاة التي فرط فيها)


    [Durr al-Mukhtar, 6: 648, H.M Saeed]



     واجبة كالوصية برد الودائع والدين المجهولة


    [Radd al-Muhtar, 6: 648, H.M Saeed]


    وفيه تأمل لما قاله في البدائع الوصية بما عليه من الفرائض والواجبات كالحج والزكاة والكفارات واجبة ا هـ

     شرنبلالية  ومشى الزيلعي على ما في البدائع  وفي المواهب تجب على مديون بما عليه لله تعالى ألأ للعباد وهذا ما مشى عليه المصنف خلافا لما في المجتبى من التفرقة بين حقوقه تعالى وحقوق العباد وما مر من سقوط ما وجبت لحقه تعالى بالموت لا يدل على عدم الوجوب لأن المراد سقوط أدائها وإلا فهي في ذمته فقول الشارح على ما في المجتبى أي من حيث التقسيم إلى الأربعة  تأمل


    [Radd al-Muhtar, 6: 648, H.M Saeed]


    [Radd al-Muhtar, 2: 72, H.M Saeed]

    [3] [Al-Mabsoot Sarakhsi, 27:146, Dar al-Nawadir]



    ( ومباحة لغني ) لعل المراد إذا لم يقصد القربة أما لو أوصى له لكونه من أهل العلم أو الصلاح إعانة له أو لكونه رحما كاشحا أو ذا عيال فينبغي ندبها تأمل

    [Radd al-Muhtar, 6: 648, H.M Saeed]


    [al-Muheet al-Burhani, 22: 252, Idaratul Qura’an]




     ومكروهة لأهل فسوق ) يرد عليه ما في صحيح البخاري لعل الغني يعتبر فيتصدق والسارق يستغني بها عن السرقة والزانية عن الزنا

     وكان مراده ما إذا غلب على ظنه إنه يصرفها للفسوق والفجور ا ه

    [Radd al-Muhtar, 6: 648, H.M Saeed]




    (وهي) على ما في المجتبى أربعة أقسام (واجبة بالزكاة) والكفارة (و) فدية (الصيام والصلاة التي فرط فيها) ومباحة لغني ومكروهة لأهل فسوق (وإلا فمستحبة) أي إذا لم يعرض لها ما يبطلها

    [Radd al-Muhtar, 6: 648, H.M Saeed]



    (كتاب الوصايا) إذا أراد الرجل أن يوصي وله أولاد في صغار عن أبي حنيفة وأبي يوسف رحمهما الله تعالى أن ترك المال لأولاده يكون أفضل ولو كان الأولاد كبارا أو المال قليل قال أبو حنيفة رحمه الله تعالى لا ينبغي له أن يوصي وان كان المال كثيرا والورثة أغنياء يبدأ بالواجبات فان لم يكن عليه شيء من الواجبات يبدأ بالقرابة فان كانوا أغنياء فبالجيران

    [Fatawa Qadhi Khan, 3: 415, Qadimi Kutub Khana]

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