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Question Summary:
Permissibility to listen to Tilaawat-Ul-Quran whilst busy with other things

Question Detail:

Are you allowed to listen to Tilaawat-e-Quraan whilst doing other chores or whilst studying (dunya and deeni studies), as long as you do not talk?

Answer :

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
As-salamu ‘alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa-barakatuh.
All-Mighty Allah mentions in the Quran:
واذا قرئ القرآن فاستمعواله وانصتوالعلكم ترحمون
When the Quran is recited, then listen attentively to it and remain silent so that mercy may be shown to you. (Surah A’raaf, 7:204)
[1]The word Istimaa’ in the above verse literally means to listen attentively. [2]When Quran is recited, it is compulsory (Waajib) to listen attentively to the recitation of the Quran. Attentive listening refers to the undivided attention given to the recitation of the Quran.
When one is busy in the kitchen (cooking, baking etc.) and the Quran is being recited through any medium, radio, cd etc. and one is also listening attentively to the Quran and the cooking etc. is not obstructing the listening of the Quran, then Istimaa’ (listening attentively) is fulfilled and it would be permissible to listen to Quran at that time.
On the other hand, if the Quran is being recited whilst studying (Islamic or non-Islamic studies), then Istimaa’ (listening attentively) will not be fulfilled as in studying the mind is consumed in reading and understanding. In that case, one cannot give undivided attention to the reciting of the Quran and it will not be permissible to listen to Quran at that time.
Also keep in mind that it is disrespectful to listen to the Quran as a secondary option and to simply past time.
And Allah Ta’ala Knows Best
Ismaeel Bassa
Student Darul Iftaa
Durban, South Africa
Checked and Approved by,
Mufti Ebrahim Desai.


[1] Ma’ariful Quran, Surah A’raf, vol 4, pg. 131.

{واذا قرئ القرآن فاستمعواله وانصتوالعلكم ترحمون} يقتضي وجوب الا ستماع والانصات عند قرأءة القرأن في الصلاة وفي غيرها، فإن قامت دلالة علي جواز ترك الاستماع والإنصات في غيرها لم يبطل حكم دلالته في إيجابه ذلك فيها.{احكام القرأن للجصاص، ج 3  ، ص 61  ، دار الفكر}

لما ذكر الله تعالى أن القران بصائر للناس وهدى ورحمة أمر تعالى بالإنصات عند تلاوته اعظاما له واحتراما { تفسير ابن كثير، ج 2، ص 62، المكتبة العصرية }

إذا تليت آيات القرآن فاستمعوها بتدبر وإمعان، واسكتوا عند تلاوته إعظاما للقرآن وإجلالا له { صفوة التفاسير، ج 1 ، ص 416 ، المكتبة العصرية }

Fataawa Mahmoodiyyah, Book on knowledge, chapter pertaining to Quran, vol.3, pg. 549/550


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