Question Summary: FATWA no–15917|My question was particular to Fazail Aamal in which others who do not follow claim that in Fazail Amaal there are weak hadiths mention so we do not follow those hadiths… Question Detail:
Received the answer of FATWA no--15917 JazaKhair.My question was particular to Fazail Aamal in which others who do not follow claim that in Fazail Amaal there are weak hadiths mention so we do not follow those hadiths my answer to them was instead of worrying about the isnad one should follow the matn of the hadith did i give the proper answer for their refusal i wanted to know from you.and i was trying to convince them there is so much hikamt and wisdom behind those hadith if one really make use of them ..Pls clarify
Answer :
In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful Assalaamu `alaykum waRahmatullahi Wabarakatoh The authenticity of ahadith depends on the sanad of the hadith. However, the verification of the sanad being sound or not is the function of the muhadditheen. For the layman, he should rely on literature of reliable Ulama. Fazaail A’maal is compiled by Hazrat Shaikh Zakariyya (RA). The only reason people will object on Faizaail A’maal is because they do not know the high and lofty academic status of Hazrat Shaikh Zakariyya (RA). Hazrat Shaikh Zakariyya (RA) was a renowned Muhaddith and accepted as such by Ulama of all rankings, Arab and non-Arabs. He compiled many commentaries of ahadith in Arabic, for example Bazlul Majhool, commentary of Abu Dawood and Awjazul Masalik, the commentary of Muatta Imam Malik. Both these commentaries are popular and books of reference, even among Arab Ulama. When a muhaddith compiles ahadith and some of them are daeef, it is acceptable in fazaail especially when the status of the hadith is pointed out. This is not unique in Fazaail A’maal. It is a common practice among many muhadditheen. Such an approach should not deter one from benefiting from such books. The same applies with Fazaail A’maal. And Allah knows best Wassalam Mufti Ebrahim Desai
Darul Iftaa, Madrassah In'aamiyyah
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