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Question Summary:
Are these hadiths about talking in the masjids reliable?

Question Detail:

1.Hadith : "Conversation in the Masjid eats up good deeds the way fire eat woods.”
Hadith : “Conversation in the Masjid eats up good deeds the way animals consume grass.”
[Ihya Uloom-ud-Din]
Many Muhaditheen stated that above hadith has no basis.
Please do its takhreej.And whether it has any ASAL ( basis )
And say that it is of what type : sahih , modhoh , dheef etc ?
And whether it is allowed to tell this hadith to others ?
2.Hadith states likes this : "When a person comes to masjid and he talks too much,then Angels tell him :O ! Allah's Friend , be quiet,if he continues to talk then Angels tell him :Ya Bighaizilllah , be quiet,if he continues to talk then Angels tell him :Be quiet,on you have Allah's La'nat."
Reference : [Al-Madkhal 2/227,Dar ul Fikar , Bairut ut twaba 1401 Hijri]
Please do its takhreej.And whether it has any ASAL ( basis )
And say that it is of what type : sahih , modhoh , dheef etc ?
And whether it is allowed to tell this hadith to others ?

Answer :

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
Assalāmu ‘alaykum wa rahmatullāhi wa barakātuh
Imām al-Ghazālī mentions in Ihyā’ ‘Ulūm al-Dīn:
“It is reported in a narration [from the Salaf] or in a report [from the Prophet]: ‘Talking in the masjid devours good deeds just as an animal devours grass.’”[1]
Hāfiz Zayn al-Dīn al-‘Irāqī (725 – 806 H) said: “I found no basis for it.”[2]
Tāj al-Dīn al-Subkī (727 – 771 H) included it amongst the hadīths of Ihyā’ ‘Ulūm al-Dīn for which he could not find an isnād (chain of narration).[3]
Hence, it will not be permissible to quote this narration as a hadīth of Rasūlullāh (sallAllāhu ‘alayhi wasallam).[4]
The second narration was mentioned by Ibn al-Hājj al-‘Abdarī al-Mālikī (d. 737 H) in al-Madkhal, a work on correcting religious practice. He says:
“It was also narrated from him [i.e. the Prophet], upon him blessing and peace, that he said: ‘When a man comes to the masjid, and makes much conversation, the angels say to him: Be quiet, O friend of Allāh! If he increases, they say: Be quiet, O one despised by Allāh! If he continues, they say: Be quiet, the curse of Allāh be upon you!’”[5]
This is the earliest reference we could find for this narration. Since this is not a work on hadīth, and Ibn al-Hājj did not mention its source or its chain of narration, it will not be permissible to quote it as a hadīth of Rasūlullāh (sallAllāhu ‘alayhi wasallam).[6]
And Allah Ta‘ālā Knows Best
Zameelur Rahman
Student Darul Iftaa

[1] ويروى فى الأثر أو الخبر: الحديث فى المسجد يأكل الحسنات كما تأكل البهائم الحشيش (إحياء علوم الدين، دار ابن حزم، ص١٨٠)

[2] لم أقف له على أصل (نفس المصدر)

[3] طبقات الشافعية الكبرى، دار إحياء الكتب العربية، ج٦ ص٢٩٤

[4] قال علي القاري في تذكرة الموضوعات: قد حكى الحافظ أبو بكر بن خير: اتفق العلماء أنه لا يحل لمسلم أن يقول: قال رسول الله كذا حتى يكون عنده ذلك القول مرويا ولو على أقل وجوه الروايات (الأجوبة الفاضلة، المطبوعات الإسلامية، ص٣٢)

[5]  وروي عنه أيضا عليه الصلاة والسلام أنه قال: إذا أتى الرجل المسجد فأكثر من الكلام تقول له الملائكة: اسكت يا ولي الله، فإن زاد تقول: اسكت يا بغيض الله، فإن زاد تقول: اسكت عليك لعنة الله (المدخل لابن الحاج، مكتبة دار التراث، ج٢ ص٢٢٧)

[6] لا عبرة للأحاديث المنقولة فى الكتب المبسوطة ما لم يظهر سندها أو يعلم اعتماد أرباب الحديث عليها، وإن كان مصنفها فقيها جليلا يعتمد عليه في نقل الأحكام...ولذا قال علي القار في رسالة الموضوعات...ولا عبرة بنقل صاحب النهاية وغيره من بقية شراح الهداية فإنهم ليسوا من المحدثين ولا أسندوا الحديث إلى أحد من المخرجين (الأجوبة الفاضلة، المطبوعات الإسلامية، ج٢٩)

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