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Questions regarding train conductor

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Some questions,
1.Im a traindriver, i drive long distances.
I have no chance to do wudu since im always driving.
Em i allowed to do tayammum with a stone i keep in my bag?
If i urinate can i wipe myself off with a wet tissue and do tayammum after that?
2.Plz explain how and when i can combine my prayers if im driving long distances.
3.if someone falls under the train while im driving (suicide r accident), what shuild i do if he does not survive?does it matter if he is muslim r not?
4.If for example person A steals 200 euro from person B,
 then person A goes around and tells everyone that he didnt steal anything but that person B stole 6000 euro from
A.Everyone believes person A coz he is older 
years later person A feels sorry for what he has done , 
but person B is really damaged now coz he is considered a thief and liar in his community and family for years now.
Person A will not go public and admit his wrong doing, he wants to settle it quitly.
Person B fears that if he settles this quitly he will get foolded r blackened by A again.
Could B demand 6000 instead of 200 as compensation and satisfaction?
I learned in history class before that if u accuse someone of a crime falsely you would be trialed as if you commited the crime yourself, does this happen is islam also?
5.We devided our inheritence in a halal way, we had it checked by different imams to make sure its halal.
One of my brother in law is furious coz of how divided it.(our mother got a bit bigger share and control over some land and a small house)
We all stand firm in our decission coz its hallal and coz he is just acting out of greed.
He is the only one making trouble, all others agree 100%
Coz of this my sister is in a bad possition, every time someone talks about the land r house he will go crazy.
We have no intention in reducing someones share, and we have no intension in to changing our agreement.
So my question is can we for the sake of keeping peace exclude them from any decision making and just keep our agreement as we made it?

Answer :

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
As-salāmu ‘alaykum wa-rahmatullāhi wa-barakātuh.
-1&2 Belgium is a very small country. Could you please clarify what distances you typically travel?
Pertaining to the aspect of wiping yourself with wet tissue, that is fine.
Pertaining to doing tayammum, we fail to understand why you do not have the time to make Wudhu. How do you generally pray during work?
-3 Concerning an accident or suicide, you are not to be blamed in any way.
-4 In the enquired scenario, B can only demand 200 from A not 6,000. Our advice for B is not to accept any money at all and to rather demand from A to exenorate B from any wrong doing. The requirement of Tawbah (Repentance) on part of A is for him to declare publicly that he wrongly accused B from stealing. As long as he doesn’t do that, his repentance will be incomplete, unless B is prepared to forgive A completely, the compensation for which B will see in the hereafter by Allāh ﷻ.
-5 If the various scholars you have consulted with were presented with all the correct facts and they gave a correct answer, those that are making an issue are to be carefull as they are objecting to the way Shariah is dividing the inheritance. Our suggestion is to give him one month to get a fatwa from a reliable Scholar that could prove that the other scholars have erred in their judgment, failing to produce such a fatwa will lead to an irrevocable distribution of the estate.
And Allah Ta’āla Knows Best
Khalil Johnson
Student Darul Iftaa
Checked and Approved by,
Mufti Ebrahim Desai

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