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Question Summary:
My wife and I were just making love, not intercourse just love without clothes on. My semen came out, does ghusul become fardh on me? can I just make wadhu and pray salaat…

Question Detail:

My wife and I were just making love, not intercourse just love without clothes on. My semen came out, does ghusul become fardh on me? can I just make wadhu and pray salaat.

Answer :

In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Assalaamu `alaykum waRahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
There could be two possibilities in your situation:-
1. Mazi (pre-coital fluid) which is thin.
2. Mani (sperm) which is thick.
If semen is discharged out of passion while one is awake or asleep, unconscious or conscious, through sexual intercourse or without sexual intercourse, or by fondling ones private part then ghusl becomes wajib. At the time of excitement, a particular fluid comes out which is called mazi. When climax is reached and one is satiated, the liquid which comes out at that time is called mani. The distinguishing factor between the two is that when mani comes out, satisfaction is attained and his passion becomes cooled, while the coming out of mazi does not decrease the excitement but increases it.
رجل بال فخرج من ذكره مني إن كان منتشرا عليه الغسل وإن كان منكسرا عليه الوضوء .كذا في الخلاصة .
 في الدر المختار: ( وفرض ) الغسل ( عند ) خروج ( مني ) من العضو وإلا فلا يفرض اتفاقا ؛ لأنه في حكم الباطن ( منفصل عن مقره ) هو صلب الرجل وترائب المرأة ، ومنيه أبيض ومنيها أصفر ، فلو اغتسلت فخرج منها مني ، وإن منيها أعادت الغسل لا الصلاة وإلا لا ( بشهوة ) أي لذة ولو حكما كمحتلم ( الدر المختار: 1 ص 325 )
وفي الشامية: ( قوله : بشهوة ) متعلق بقوله منفصل ، احترز به عما لو انفصل بضرب أو حمل ثقيل على ظهره ، فلا غسل عندنا خلافا للشافعي كما في الدرر ( رد المحتار: 1 ص 326 )
(Fatawa al-Hindiyya, V1 Pg14, Rasheediyah)
(Fatawa Mahmudiyya, V5  Pg 97-99, Faruqiyya)
      (Tahtawi, Pg 96, Ilmiyya)
(Bahishti Zewar Pg 67 Zam Zam)
It will be necessary for you to have ghusl if you are certain that the liquid which came out is indeed semen.
And Allah knows best
Wassalamu Alaikum
Ml. Ebrahim Desai,
Student Darul Iftaa

Checked and Approved by:
Mufti Ebrahim Desai
Darul Iftaa, Madrassah In'aamiyyah

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