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Question Summary:
My aunt has a small swimming pool. If someone has ejaculated in her pool, will the chlorine in her pool suffice to purify the pool?

Question Detail:

My aunt has a small swimming pool. If someone has ejaculated in her pool, will the chlorine in her pool suffice to purify the pool? I ask because she old and has arthritis and cannot drain her pool and refill it. If someone swims in this pool, is it necessary to take a ghusl afterwards?

Answer :

Assalāmu `alaikum Warahmatullāhi Wabrakatuh,
If the surface area of the pool is 20.9 sq.m or more it would be considered as a big pool of water. Hence, it would only become impure once the colour, taste or smell of the water changes. If the pool is circular the diameter should be 5.16 meters or more.
If the pool is less than the above given meters the water would be impure. Using chlorine and chemicals would not make the water pure. Hence, any person who swims in the impure water would need to clean himself thereafter. The method of cleaning the pool would be to add pure water into the pool until the water begins to overflow. Once the water begins to overflow the pool would be pure.
الفتاوى الهندية - (1 / 18)
والفاصل بين الكثير والقليل أنه إذا كان الماء بحيث يخلص بعضه إلى بعض بأن تصل النجاسة من الجزء المستعمل إلى الجانب الآخر فهو قليل وإلا فكثير قال أبو سليمان الجوزجاني أن كان عشرا في عشر فهو مما لا يخلص وبه اخذ عامة المشايخ رحمهم الله هكذا في المحيط

حاشية ابن عابدين - (1 / 196)
وبقي شيء آخر سئلت عنه وهو أن دلوا تنجس فأفرغ فيه رجل ماء حتى امتلأ وسال من جوانبه هل يطهر بمجرد ذلك أم لا والذي يظهر لي الطهارة

أحسن الفتاوى 2/45
أحسن الفتاوى 2/52
And Allah Ta’āla Knows Best
Mufti Ishaaq E. Moosa

Checked and Approved by,
Mufti Ebrahim Desai.

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