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Question Summary:
Is it permissible for a woman to read/touch the Quran or do zikr and recite Durood during her menses?

Question Detail:

When women go through their seven days monthly period or when they are in napaak condition, can they touch or read books on hadis for ex: books on autobiographies of our holy prophets ? Can they do jikir  during this time or recite duroode shariff and can they apply mehendi on their hands or hair  since mehendi is considered to be paak. Also can women apply mehendi on their feet even if they are in paak condition since our Huzoore Pak ( SAW) (PBUH) used to apply mehendi on his beard ?

Answer :

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
As-salāmu ‘alaykum wa-rahmatullāhi wa-barakātuh.
1.      It is permissible for a woman to read or touch any other book except the Holy Quran during her menses.[1] It is permissible for her to read or touch the books of Hadith and autobiographies.
However, in these books, wherever there is a verse of the Quran, it will be impermissible for her to touch that area.[2]
2.      A woman is permitted to do zikr and recite Durood in the state of impurity.[3]
3.      It is permissible for a woman to apply mehndi on her hands, hair and feet in the state of purity and impurity.
And Allah Ta’āla Knows Best
Mawlana Abdul Hannan Nizami,
Student Darul Iftaa

Checked and Approved by,
Mufti Ebrahim Desai.

[1] المحيط البرهاني في الفقه النعماني (1/ 216)

(نوع آخر) في الأحكام التي تتعلق بالحيض

ومنها: أن لا تمس المصحف ولا الدرهم المكتوب عليه آية تامة من القرآن ولا اللوح المكتوب عليه آية تامة من القرآن لقوله تعالى: {لاَّ يَمَسُّهُ إِلاَّ الْمُطَهَّرُونَ} . (الواقعة: 79) وقد صح عن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلّمأنه كتب إلى بعض القبائل: «لا يمس مصحف القرآن حائض ولا جنب»


[2] احسن الفتاوي (2/ 71) سعيد

كتاب الفتاوي (2/102) زمزم


[3] الدر المختار وحاشية ابن عابدين (رد المحتار) (1/ 293)

(وَلَا بَأْسَ) لِحَائِضٍ وَجُنُبٍ (بِقِرَاءَةِ أَدْعِيَةٍ وَمَسِّهَا وَحَمْلِهَا وَذِكْرِ اللَّهِ تَعَالَى، وَتَسْبِيحٍ) وَزِيَارَةِ قُبُورٍ، وَدُخُولِ مُصَلَّى عِيدٍ (وَأَكْلٍ وَشُرْبٍ بَعْدَ مَضْمَضَةٍ، وَغَسْلِ يَدٍ)


احسن الفتاوي (2/67) سعيد

فتاوي رحيميه (4/49) دار الاشاعت

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