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Question Summary:
I read your other fatwas about the urine drops and its avoidance i-e coughing and shaking the lower part of the body or put the tissue paper. I always make sure that there are no drops coming out by waiting in the washroom , but get into waswaas that urine drops will be on my clothes

Question Detail:

Question 1: Is this permissible to purchase a car on Leasing (their is an interest involved). My friend is going out of country and wanted me to take over his lease? if not allowed please advice the correct way to get the car from him.

Question 2: I read your other fatwas about the urine drops and its avoidance i-e coughing and shaking the lower part of the body or put the tissue paper. I always make sure that there are no drops coming out by waiting in the washroom and practicing the above mentioned precautions but sometimes I feared that urine drops might come out or get into waswaas that urine drops will be on my clothes. Please advise what to do ? Also at the time of hajj is this ok to practice same precautions?

Answer :

Assalāmu `alaikum Warahmatullāhi Wabrakatuh,
1) In order for us to advise you, kindly explain the details of the leasing product.
2) If you have taken all the necessary precaution to remove the urine drops, you should simply ignore the waswasa and regard yourself to be pure.
And Allah Ta'āla Knows Best,
Muftī Ebrahim Desai
35 Candella Rd, Durban, South Africa


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