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Question Summary:
About your fatwa that the women’s desires are not being dismissed if there are hoor because…

Question Detail:

About your fatwa that the women's desires are not being dismissed if there are hoor because she is more beautiful etc. Jazakamulllah for taking the time to reply to my misgiving on that point. Unfortunately, I did not find this comforting because I had, in fact, thought of that already. In fact, it is has been shown in psychological studies that young girls and women are wired to form bonds with other women, which could further add credence to that assertion. The problem is, in either case, women comparing themselves to other women or being friends with other women is completely different from women comparing/befriending their husbands other wives. In fact, women react in completely the opposite way if these friends try to go after their husbands. In the case of comparing themselves to other women, the woman is so beautiful and yet her husband has a need for other women... what is she really gaining? Isn't it rather a better thing for him, because he has his 72 virgins and a 73rd wife that's even more gorgeous? I'm sorry, but it still seems to me her feelings are being dismissed, at least insofar as they interfere with a man's desires.

But what I really wanted to ask you was, isn't there any literature on the what the original nature of women is? I mean is it an unnatural desire, like homosexuality or something, for a woman to want fidelity from a man? About what their nature is supposed to be? By all accounts, it seems that their very nature is supposed to be to serve on others. The characteristics Islam prides in women above all else seem to be subservience and self-sacrifice. Now I'm not saying the same isnot required of men, but this is only required from women (in any measure) in Jannah.  The thing is, if a man and a woman commit a sin, both of them get the same amount of punishment, there's no argument on that point. So the fact that women are still inferior in men in Jannah must because because their reward itself is being servants, because it does not fit that they can get punished just as much but not be entitled to the same measure of reward. Anyway, what I want to know is what the place of a woman is in general. I know you said they will be gifted and not made into gifts, but aren't they allowed into Jannah 500 yrs before their husbands so they can be presented to their husbands? It rather sounds as if being a treasured gift is in fact the woman's reward.
I hope this makes sense, and if there are logical or any other type of flaws I'd dearly like to know, as I've been losing sleep over this issue.

Answer :

In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
Jazakillahu Kharian for your query.  We understand and appreciate your anxiety in reconciling between Imaan and the position of women in Islam in reflection to men.  Your lack of sleep is an expression of your Imaan.  May Allah Keep us steadfast on Imaan, give us death with Imaan, and resurrect us with on the day of Qiyaamah with Imaan. Ameen.
In our previous discussion we stated that the hoors in Jannah will be for the worldly women to express their beauty in front them and pride themselves with excelling beauty.  That explanation was based on hikmah (wisdom) and as not a proof of Shariah.  We agree that it is the nature of women to want fidelity from their husbands.  This is in this world.  What makes you believe that women will enter Jannah with this attribute?
As regard the issue of reward and crime, it should be noted that reward is not measured only in amount, but the quality and the happiness one achieves form the reward is also considered.  Would you wish to have 72 husbands in Jannah as well like men have hoors in Jannah? 
 The prime concern for Muslims is not what rewards one will receive in Jannah, but it is
the very entrance into Jannah. The rewards in Jannah are secondary and based on the wisdom and Mercy of Allah.
 Allah is Al-Hakeem, the Wise.  We bring Imaan on all names and attributes of Allah.  Allah is the creator and the creator knows what is best for his creations.  The knowledge of mankind is very limited and the knowledge of Allah Ta’ala is infinite.  As human beings, our understanding about the reality of life and the nature of humans is deficient, therefore we will not understand all the reasoning of Shariah nor are we responsible for understanding them. Allah does as He wishes and none can question Him in His doings.
لا يسال عما يفعل و هم يسالون (الانبياء 23)
Allah cannot be questioned for his acts and they will be questioned for their acts.
 (Al-Ambiya 23)
 Anyone who has trust in Allah and his Attributes will believe and submit that Allah’s measure of reward is perfect even though it may seem to be tilted in one way or the other to our deficient minds and intellect.  The issue really is of Imaan, where’s our logic?  There are many issues of faith contradicting logic. What is to be done in that situation, the same should be adopted in this issue.  Yes of course we do apply our minds to the possible logic and reconcile in some issues of faith, but ultimately we have to defy logic in front of faith and belief.
And Allah knows best
Ml. Ehzaz Ajmeri,
Student Darul Iftaa

Checked and Approved by:
Mufti Ebrahim Desai
Darul Iftaa, Madrassah In'aamiyyah

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