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Question Summary:
Salah without ghusl after masturbating

Question Detail:

Dear Mufti , Assalaamualaikum, Concerning Fatwah #22910 , if a person masturbates and doesnt perform ghusl, what about his Salaah after a couple of days ? Will they be accepted ? Thanks and jazakallah

Answer :

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
As-salāmu ‘alaykumwa-rahmatullāhiwa-barakātuh.
If a person masturbates, his Salah will not be accepted until he performs Ghusl.
The difference between Fasts and Salah from this aspect is that one of the pre-requisites of Salah is tahaarah(bodily purity). This is not a pre-requisite of fasting.[1]
And Allah Ta’āla Knows Best
Saanwalibn Muhammad,
Student DarulIftaa

Checked and Concurred by,
Abdul Azīm bin AbdurRahman,

Ismail Desai.

[1]لابد لصحة الصلاة من سبعة وعشرين شيئا: الطهارة من الحدث

(نورالايضاح، ص50، المكتبةالعصرية)

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