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Question Summary:
There is a mosque in the boundry of our office. In this boundry there are 5 to 6 buildings of our office. No outsider can enter due to security. In the mosque five time prayers are held. Now Jumma Prayer is also offering in this mosque.Is Jumma prayer valid in this mosque since only office people can perform in it.

Question Detail:

There is a mosque in the boundry of our office. In this boundry there are 5 to 6 buildings of our office. No outsider can enter due to security. In the mosque five time prayers are held. Now Jumma Prayer is also offering in this mosque.Is Jumma prayer valid in this mosque since only office people can perform in it.

Answer :

In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
Assalaamu `alaykum waRahmatullahi Wabarakatoh
If there are other venues in which Jumma’ Salat is performed, then it is permissible to perform Jumma’ Salat in an office building that restricts entry due to security reasons.  Even if the only place in the locality that conducted Jumma’ was the office building, still too Jumma’ will be permissible as the premises is locked only due to security resasons and not to stop people from joining the Jumma’ Salat.
Rad al-Muhtar (2/151) H.M. Saeed Company
Fatawa Mahmoodia (14/251) Kutub Khana Mazhari
Ahsan al-Fatawa (4/130) H.M. Saeed Company
Fatawa Uthmani (1/571) Maktaba Mariful Quran
( و ) السابع : ( الإذن العام ) من الإمام ، وهو يحصل بفتح أبواب الجامع للواردين كافي فلا يضر غلق باب القلعة لعدو أو لعادة قديمة لأن الإذن العام مقرر لأهله وغلقه لمنع العدو لا المصلي ، نعم لو لم يغلق لكان أحسن كما في مجمع الأنهر معزيا لشرح عيون المذاهب قال : وهذا أولى مما في البحر والمنح فليحفظ ...وفى الشامية: قلت : وينبغي أن يكون محل النزاع ما إذا كانت لا تقام إلا في محل واحد ، أما لو تعددت فلا لأنه لا يتحقق التفويت كما أفاده التعليل تأمل
And Allah knows best
Ml. Ehzaz Ajmeri,
Student Darul Iftaa

Checked and Approved by:
Mufti Ebrahim Desai
Darul Iftaa, Madrassah In'aamiyyah

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