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Question Summary:
My father was leading and made a mistake in qira’at. Is his salah valid? I was not praying behind him. Am I sinful for not correcting him?

Question Detail:

My father and brother were doing jamaat of fajr, I was in my room but could hear the qiraat, and I noticed a mistake in the qiraat(instead of a dhamma, read with kasra). Due to my ignorance I didnt inform them, firstly is there salat valid coz qiraat is fardh in salat, secondly am I sinful for not letting them know?

Answer :

Assalāmu `alaikum Warahmatullāhi Wabrakatuh,
The salāh of your father and brother is valid.
You are not sinful for not correcting them as a person who is out of salāh cannot rectify the one in salāh. You should now inform the recitor of his error so that he does not repeat it in the future.
منية المصلي وغنية المبتدي - (1 / 226)
وإن فتح غير المصلي على المصلي، فأخذ بفتحه تفسد.

فتاوى النوازل 90
أما الخطأ في الإعراب إن لم يتغير المعنى تغيرا فاحشا لاتفسده كقوله الحمد لله بالنصب، وإن غيره تغيرا فاحشا تفسده، كقوله وعصى آدم ربه فغوى بنصب الميم ورفع الباء وقال المتأخرون لاتفسد أيضا لأن العوام لايميزون الاعراب وهو اختيار أبي يوسف وهو أوسع والأول أحوط
And Allah Ta’āla Knows Best
Mufti Ishaaq E. Moosa

Checked and Approved by,
Mufti Ebrahim Desai.

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