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Question Summary:
Is it right for me to pray behind such imaam who has no beard?

Question Detail:

I am a student in a university in Seoul, Korea. In our university there are many muslim students who pray with us. We pick an imaam randomly. Sometimes I lead the prayer but often the imaam is without beard. (I have alhamdulillah full beard). Is it right for me to pray behind such imaam. another thing is that imaams (without beard) have more knowledge of Quran than me. One is hafiz and other has memorized 15 paras.
I donot insist on me always leading the prayer because in that case I feel that the environment will not remain friendly. Am I right in doing so

Answer :

In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
Irrespective of the other Imaams having more knowledge, they are classified as Faasiqs (flagrant violators of the Shariah) and are thus not allowed to lead the Salaah.
You should endeavor to lead the Salaah as much as possible. However, if you happen to read Salaah behind them, your Salaah will be valid. You should encourage them to keep a beard. Do this politely and with tact and wisdom.
And Allah knows best
Mufti Mohammed Kadwa
Darul Iftaa, Madrassah In'aamiyyah

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