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Question Summary:
In our Jamaat Khana, there are specified fixed times for salaat. Since there is no fixed imam, anyone present usually leads the jamaat. What happens when a brother steps…

Question Detail:

In our Jamaat Khana, there are specified fixed times for salaat. Since there is no fixed imam, anyone present usually leads the jamaat. What happens when a brother steps forward to lead the jamaat and his pants are below the ankle and not wearing a headcovering?

This happened a few times and an elderly member of the congregation stepped forward and reprimanded him asking him to step aside. The brother then asked if there was anyone who wanted to lead the congregation and no one stepped forward. The brother then lead the jamaat in salaat. After the jamaat was over, the brother exclaimed to the elderly man that his beliefs and understanding(of fiqh) was different and that he held a different opinion as to the manner of dressing. (the brother holds a salafi view according to his aquaintant).
I seek your advice on how to address a this situation if it happens to arise in the future. Is it correct to reprimand someone( whose head is uncovered and his pants are below the ankles) who has stepped forward to lead the jamaat? Is this brothers opinion correct?

Answer :

In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Assalaamu `alaykum waRahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
The post of Imaamat should be given to the person who is most knowledgeable with the Masā’il of Salaah, then the person who recites the Qur’ān the best, then the most pious person, then the one who had accepted Islam earlier, then he who has better character, then he who has more light (noor) on his face, then he who has a higher family lineage, then he who as a better voice, then he whose clothes are cleaner. If they are equal, then lots should be drawn or the congregation should choose from amongst them.
In the presence of someone more superior, a person should not force his way in order to make the Imaamat.
فالأعلم أحق بالإمامة ثم الأقرأ ثم الأورع ثم الأسن ثم الأحسن خلقا ثم الأحسن وجها ثم الأشرف نسبا ثم الأحسن صوتا ثم الأنظف ثوبا فإن استووا يقرع أو الخيار إلى القوم
 نور الإيضاح ص72, قديمي))
 ( والأحق بالإمامة ) تقديما بل نصبا مجمع الأنهر ( الأعلم بأحكام الصلاة ) فقط صحة وفسادا بشرط اجتنابه للفواحش الظاهرة ، وحفظه قدر فرض ، وقيل واجب ، وقيل سنة ( ثم الأحسن تلاوة ) وتجويدا ( للقراءة ، ثم الأورع ) أي الأكثر اتقاء للشبهات والتقوى : اتقاء المحرمات ( ثم الأسن ) أي الأقدم إسلاما ، فيقدم شاب على شيخ أسلم ، وقالوا : يقدم الأقدم ورعا
وفي النهر عن الزاد : وعليه يقاس سائر الخصال ، فيقال : يقدم أقدمهم علما ونحوه ، وحينئذ فقلما يحتاج للقرعة ( ثم الأحسن خلقا ) بالضم ألفة بالناس ( ثم الأحسن وجها ) أي أكثرهم تهجدا ؛ زاد في الزاد : ثم أصبحهم : أي أسمحهم وجها ، ثم أكثرهم حسبا ( ثم الأشرف نسبا ) زاد في البرهان : ثم الأحسن صوتا وفي الأشباه قبيل ثمن المثل : ثم الأحسن زوجة ثم الأكثر مالا ، ثم الأكثر جاها ( ثم الأنظف ثوبا ) ثم الأكبر رأسا والأصغر عضوا ، ثم المقيم على المسافر ، ثم الحر الأصلي على العتيق ثم المتيمم عن حدث على المتيمم عن جنابة.
رد المحتار ج1 ص557, سعيد))
The Imam should also dress and act according to the Sunnah. Allowing the pants to flow below the ankles is against the teachings of Rasulullah (صلى الله عليه وسلم).
If a situation arises wherein someone who is not worthy of the post of Imaamat leads the Salaah and the Musalli’s dislike this, the issue should be resolved in a very respectable manner utilising the channels available. Inform the trustees of your concerns and they would take up the task to address the issue. If this issue is not resolved in a respectable manner, it will lead to more uproar and ciaos amongst the people of the locality which is of a more serious nature.  
However, in the absence of anyone else to lead the Salaah, if this person leads the Salaah, it will still be valid, keeping in mind the Hadeeth of Rasulullah (صلى الله عليه وسلم).
عن أبي هريرة أن رسول الله صلى الله عليه و سلم قال : صلوا خلف كل بر وفاجر (سنن الدارقطني)
And Allah knows best
Wassalaamu `alaykum
Ml. Rayhaan Docrat,
Student Darul Iftaa

Checked and Approved by:
Mufti Ebrahim Desai
Darul Iftaa, Madrassah In'aamiyyah

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