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Question Summary:
I have recently had a premature baby at 26 weeks. After delivery I got an injection which is called Depo,

Question Detail:

Assalam-o-Laikum Brother,
              I have recently had a premature baby at 26 weeks. After delivery I got an injection which is called Depo, so I won't get pregnant during the next year because it would be dangerous for me or the baby. But the problem is that, since I have gotten the injection, I have bleeding which I will have for the next whole year, but every month I also get bleeding fast for one week like periods {menses}. My question is that can I pray during the bleeding, but not during the fast bleeding because that is menses. Can I pray, fast, and talaawat Quran, during the normal bleeding, because it would be for one whole year.   Is it ok for me to have the injection or Allah does not give the permission to have such injection or any other medicine? Is it ok?

Answer :

In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
Assalaamu `alaykum waRahmatullahi Wabarakatoh
If it is possible for you to adopt another birth control method in which you will not have continuous bleeding, it will be better. Consult your gynecologist. If the Depo is the only most effective method for you, then you may follow the 10-20 days cycle. The first ten days will be haidh and twenty days will be Istihaadha. You will fall in the category of a ma’zoor, (excused person) during the bleeding of twenty days.
You should make wudhu for every salah time. For example, when zuhur time sets in, cleanse yourself and make a fresh wudhu. You may perform you zuhar salah with that wudhu. You may also hold the Quran and recite the Quran. You may also fast in such a state. When zuhar time expires, you will have to make another wudhuy when Asr time sets in. 
Follow this procedure for all the salats.
And Allah knows best
Mufti Ebrahim Desai
Darul Iftaa, Madrassah In'aamiyyah

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