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Question Summary:
I have read a hadith of Prophet Muhammad PBUH which says: whoever forgot a prayer or slept through it. its expiation is that he offers it when he remembers it”..My question is i miss my Fajr Prayer so how can i offer my Fajr Prayers?

Question Detail:

I have read a hadith of Prophet Muhammad PBUH which says: whoever forgot a prayer or slept through it. its expiation is that he offers it when he remembers it"..My question is i miss my Fajr Prayer so how can i offer my Fajr Prayers?What Intention show i make to offer my Fajr Prayer?And what Rakats should i offer? (e.g 2 sunt and 2 farz or only 2 farz)Can i offer them after Zuhr or Magrib Prayer?Thanks

Answer :

In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
Assalaamu `alaykum waRahmatullahi Wabarakatoh
Shari'ah has emphasized on performing fard salat on time:
حدثنا أبو الوليد هشام بن عبد الملك قال حدثنا شعبة قال الوليد بن العيزار أخبرنى قال سمعت أبا عمرو الشيبانى يقول حدثنا صاحب هذه الدار وأشار إلى دار عبد الله قال سألت النبى - صلى الله عليه وسلم - أى العمل أحب إلى الله قال « الصلاة على وقتها » . قال ثم أى قال « ثم بر الوالدين » . قال ثم أى قال « الجهاد فى سبيل الله » .
"Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wa Sallam) was asked: Which deed is the most loved by Allah Ta'ala? He said: The performance of salat in its time. He was asked: Then which deed? He said: Obedience to parents. He was asked again: Then which deed? He said: Jihad in the path of Allah." (Sahih Al-Bukhari, Vol. 1, P. 152, Darul Fikr)
حدثنا محمد بن عبد الله الخزاعى وعبد الله بن مسلمة قالا حدثنا عبد الله بن عمر عن القاسم بن غنام عن بعض أمهاته عن أم فروة قالت سئل رسول الله -صلى الله عليه وسلم- أى الأعمال أفضل قال « الصلاة فى أول وقتها ».
"Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wa Sallam) was asked which action is the most superior. He said: Salat offered in its beginning time." (Sunan Abi Dawud, Vol. 1, P. 61, HM Saeed)
If one made every endeavor to perform salat on time and he missed salat due to reasons beyond his control then he should make qada as soon as possible.
 حدثنا محمد بن المثنى حدثنا محمد بن جعفر حدثنا شعبة عن جامع بن شداد سمعت عبد الرحمن بن أبى علقمة سمعت عبد الله بن مسعود قال أقبلنا مع رسول الله -صلى الله عليه وسلم- زمن الحديبية فقال رسول الله -صلى الله عليه وسلم- « من يكلؤنا ». فقال بلال أنا. فناموا حتى طلعت الشمس فاستيقظ النبى -صلى الله عليه وسلم- فقال « افعلوا كما كنتم تفعلون ». قال ففعلنا. قال « فكذلك فافعلوا لمن نام أو نسى ».
"Abdullah Ibn Masud (Radiyallahu Anhu) says: We proceeded with the Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wa Sallam) on the occasion of Al-Hudaybiyah. The Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wa Sallam) said: Who will keep watch for us? Bilal (Radiyallahu Anhu) said: I will. They all slept until the sun rose then the Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wa Sallam) woke up and said: Do as you used to do (offer prayer as usual). Then we did accordingly. He said: Anyone who oversleeps or forgets (prayer) should do similarly."  (Sunan Abi Dawud, Vol. 1, P. 64, HM Saeed)  
If one missed fajr salat, then if the qada is prayed before the time of zawaal (apex of the sun), the two rakats of sunnah along with two rakats of fard should be observed. If it is observed after zuhr time begins, only two rakats of fard should be offered. (Raddul Mukhtar, Vol. 2, P. 59, HM Saeed)
Qada salat may be performed any time besides during sunrise, midday, when the sun turns yellow, and during sunset. (Tahtawi, P. 185, Darul Kutub Ilmiyya)
However, if one is a Sahib Tarteeb, that is if five or less salat consecutively were missed in his entire life, they should be done in order. For example, in this case if one missed fajr, the qada should be done before zuhr is performed in order to maintain the tarteeb (order).    
هي فرض عين على كل مكلف... ويكفر جاحدها لثبوتها بدليل قطعي  وتاركها عمدا مجانة  أي تكاسلا فاسق
(Darrul Mukhtar, Vol. 1, P. 351-352, HM Saeed)
(الترتيب بين الفاءتة) القليلة و هي ما دون ست صلوات
(Tahtawi, P. 440-441, Darul Kutub Ilmiyya)
لا يقضي سنة الفجر إلا إذا فاتت مع الفجر فيقضيها تبعا لقضائه لو قبل الزوال
(Raddul Muhtar, Vol. 2, P. 59, HM Saeed)
(Fatawa Mahmudiyya, Vol. 5, P. 307, Faruqiyya)
 And Allah knows best
Ml. Asif Umar,
Student Darul Iftaa

Checked and Approved by:
Mufti Ebrahim Desai
Darul Iftaa, Madrassah In'aamiyyah

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