Question Summary: I have a friend who lives in a non-muslim country, he cannot offer jummah (friday) prayers in the mosque because he is in university at that time so he has asked for the permission for jummah prayer they said if you can offer them in University then we will allow you to offer them but you cannot go out of the university.. Question Detail:
I have a friend who lives in a non-muslim country, he cannot offer jummah (friday) prayers in the mosque because he is in university at that time so he has asked for the permission for jummah prayer they said if you can offer them in University then we will allow you to offer them but you cannot go out of the university.. He told me to ask you that how can he perform Jummah prayers in the university? what intention he would have to make and what are the apporpiate times to offer the Jummah Prayers?
Answer :
In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful Assalaamu `alaykum waRahmatullahi Wabarakatoh In principle, Jumma salah can be performed in a city or a town as defined in Shariah. If the university is in the city or in the town, then Jumma salah may be performed in the university. The minimum number of people required for the validity of the Jumma salah is four, the imam and three followers. If the university is not in the city or a town or there are less than four people to perform Jumah salah, then the Jumma salah will not be valid in that instance. If one cannot leave the university which is situated in the city or town, then one must perform Zuhar salah at the university. The time for Jumma salah is the same as Zuhar salah. Zuhar salah commences after midday (zawal) till when the shadow of anything reaches twice its size excluding the size of the shadow during midday. Muslim students should also endeavor to perform other salats besides Jumma while at university. They should make a connected effort and approach the management to facilitate for them. And Allah knows best Wassalam Mufti Ebrahim Desai
Darul Iftaa, Madrassah In'aamiyyah