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Question Summary:
Parents forcing her to get married with someone she doesn’t want to.

Question Detail:

About marriage.
My parents are enforcing me to marry with richest person and not marry with less rich man just because of people fear. 9 years before i fall in love and i avoided that person as much as i could do but didn't avoid completely. A discuss with my mom again and again that i can't marry with another person because i will be in trouble when i will have in mind but i will live with someone else. This will be a sin and lead to the break of marriage but she is enforcing me to marry. Actually she wants that i should marry with richest person because she thinks that richness leads to success in marriage. The person with i want to marry is religious family and the person also follow islam teachings as he can. I did istekhara for him. 
I saw around 3:20am in ramazan, he and me were sitting in mountain top, white car was also there, two chiuldren were between us, he was smiling but i was feeling physically unfit in me dream after sometime someone says that something is coming and brown and black dog come and my dream ended. I did istekhara now again and saw that he and me were sitting in white big home and home is nearest to complete and i was serving him food and presenting him green cloth. Next day i saw that parents are not ready and the last day i saw that he was telling me that istekhara is right form one perspective... Kindly guide and tell what is meant by my dreams also..

Answer :

In the Name of Allaah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
As-salāmu ‘alaykum wa-rahmatullāhi wa-barakātuh.
Sister in Islaam,
There are various aspects to consider when looking for the right soulmate, religiousness being the highest of priorities. The results of your istikhaarah are not clear. You may consider doing istikhaarah a few more times with a balanced mind till you feel content[i], though istikhaarah alone is not suffiecent. At the same time, you should consult with your parents and seniors and take their advices. They wish well for you. There is khair and barakah in taking their advices.
However, if you feel that the prospective your parents are considering is not suitable for you, then you may also consider identifying an influential person who can speak to your parents on your behalf. At the end of the day, you have the sole right of choice. Your parents cannot force you to marry someone you do not wish to marry.
And Allaah Ta’aala Knows Best
Muajul I. Chowdhury
Student, Darul Iftaa
New York, USA
Checked and Approved by,
Mufti Ebrahim Desai.

[i]  حاشية ابن عابدين (2/ 27)

 وينبغي أن يكررها سبعا، لما روى ابن السني «يا أنس إذا هممت بأمر فاستخر ربك فيه سبع مرات، ثم انظر إلى الذي سبق إلى قلبك فإن الخير فيه» ولو تعذرت عليه الصلاة استخار بالدعاء اهـ ملخصا. وفي شرح الشرعة: المسموع من المشايخ أنه ينبغي أن ينام على طهارة مستقبل القبلة بعد قراءة الدعاء المذكور، فإن رأى منامه بياضا أو خضرة فذلك الأمر خير، وإن رأى فيه سوادا أو حمرة فهو شر ينبغي أن يجتنب


حاشية الطحطاوي على مراقي الفلاح (ص397)

وندب صلاة الاستخارة أي طلب ما فيه الخير وهي تكون لأمر في المستقبل ليظهر الله تعالى خير الأمرين 



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