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Question Summary:
My son has left the fold of Islam, what do I do?

Question Detail:

My eldest 17 year old son has declared he is leaving Islam and becoming a Agnostic. My son is a hafiz of the Quraan and was in 2nd year of Alim class at a different institute.
What is our rights and his rights? how should we set example for his siblings? I am very confused as shunning him and moving out, i don't think he will be able to cope.
He has stopped praying his salaat and Quraan. States he doesn't believe in Allah and the Nabi S.A.W. What do we do? We are very distressed. He was a model A* student and very good son and brother.
My husband comes from a family of Alims and Hufaaz and i am revert to Islam before he was born and married to his dad. We had very minimal contact with my side of the family so don't understand where these feelings have manifested from. 
What is your advice? please also make dua Allah brings him back to the fold of Islam. Ameen

Answer :

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
As-salāmu ‘alaykum wa-rahmatullāhi wa-barakātuh.
We are sad to know the condition of your son. May Allah guide him and bring him back to the fold Islam. Aameen.
It is also out Dua that Allah guide your’ll to deal with the issue with wisdom and diplomacy. Aameen.
Keeping your son in the house in this present condition has positive and negative consequences. Likewise removing him from the house also has positive and negative consequences. Your’ll know your son best and which approach will be most effective. It should not happen that keeping him in the house displays complacency towards Kufr from your’ll to him and to the other children. Removing him from the house could also harden him and your’ll will have no access to him to influence him. He could also fall in the wrong hands and take him deeper in Kufr. Keep on investigating the possible cause of his change from his friends, associates, and teachers. Consult appropriate people for their counsel on how to deal with your son.
And Allah Ta’āla Knows Best
Ibn Kasani
Student Darul Iftaa
Darus Salam
Checked and Approved by,
Mufti Ebrahim Desai.

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