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Question Summary:
A woman if she is wealthy by her own and parental means, and If her husband is in debts and earning quite less, can she give zakat to her husband?.

Question Detail:

A woman if she is wealthy by her own and parental means, and If her husband is in debts and earning quite less, can she give zakat to her husband?

Answer :

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
According to Hanafi school of thought, a woman cannot give Zakāt to her husband.[1]
And Allah Ta’ala Knows Best
Mufti Faisal bin Abdul Hameed,
Montréal, Canada
Checked and Concurred by,
Maulana Ismail Desai 

[1]   ولا تدفع المرأة إلى زوجها (الهداية في شرح بداية المبتدي (1/ 111)، دار احياء التراث العربي)


 (ولا إلى زوجته) لأن المنافع بينهم متصلة، ويعد غنيا بمال زوجته. قال تعالى: {ووجدك عائلا فأغنى} [الضحى: 8] " قالوا: بمال خديجة - رضي الله عنها - وكذلك الزوجة لا تدفع إلى زوجها لأنها تعد غنية باعتبار ما لها عليه من النفقة والكسوة، ولأنهما أصل الولاد، وما يتفرع من هذا الأصل يمنع صرف الزكاة فكذا الأصل، ولهذا يرث كل واحد منهما من الآخر من غير حجب كقرابة الولاد. وقال أبو يوسف ومحمد: تدفع إلى زوجها، «لقوله - عليه الصلاة والسلام - لزينب امرأة ابن مسعود وقد سألته عن التصدق على زوجها: " لك أجران: أجر الصدقة، وأجر الصلة» . قلنا: هو محمول على صدقة التطوع لما بينا من اتصال المنافع بينهما وذلك جائز عنده. (الاختيار لتعليل المختار (1/ 120)، مطبعة الحلبي - القاهرة)


ولا تدفع المرأة إلى زوجها عند أبي حنيفة رحمه الله تعالى كذا في الهداية (الفتاوى الهندية (1/ 189) ، دار الفكر)



Darul Iftaa Building Project


Assalāmu `alaikum Warahmatullāhi Wabrakatuh,



We make Du’aa you are well. The Darul Iftaa was established in the year 2011. The fundamental objective of the Darul Iftaa is to train Ulama from various parts of the world to become Muftis. In this world of scientific calculations and technological advancements, economic confusion and political disarray, a Mufti is trained to understand and analyze current situations and provide leadership for the Ummah. There is a vacuum  of competent Muftis in various parts of the world. The Ummah lacks leadership. There are currently twelve students who are studying at the Darul Iftaa. They are from United States of America, United Kingdom, Mozambique, Jamaica, Zambia, Canada and South Africa. There are many Ulama from many parts of the world who have applied to study the Iftaa course. They could not be accommodated due to lack of adequate facilities. The Darul Iftaa has therefore embarked on an expansion project.

The Darul Iftaa requests your generous contributions for the expansion project. The building project has already begun and is expected to be completed within the next three months. This is indeed a great opportunity for you to earn Sawab e Jariyah in the Aakhirah. This is a tree with many branches bearing sweet fruits for your Aakhirah. Insha’Allah. The Darul Iftaa banking details are as follows:

Bank:              FNB Bank
Account#:     62347912778
Branch:           221126

(The Darul Iftaa is registered and has the following PBO exemption number: 930039227 – 3 May 2012)


Mufti Ebrahim Desai

PS. For international donors, kindly make your contributions through PayPal:


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