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Question Summary:
Q : Mother is pshycatric patient.Her Husband helped for few years but it is very difficult for him now …..Pls clarify if she could do this work to help her mother’s family.Her Mother’s family is a non Muslim.

Question Detail:

 I am submitting this question on behalf of my friend.She is married last six years .Before marriage she was sole earning member at her mother's place.She has younger brother and sister who are studying.
      Mother is pshycatric patient.Her Husband helped for few years but it is very difficult for him now .So she opted for taking Tutions at home with intention of getting some money so that she can send it to her mother.
      Pls clarify if she could do this work to help her mother's family.Her Mother's family is a non Muslim.
what are the rulings if women is widow or not married about working?

Answer :

In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
Assalaamu `alaykum waRahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
In principle, men are responsible to earn and provide revenue for the home. Islām has honoured women, respected their status and absolved them of this responsibility. However, women are at times compelled to earn and provide revenue for the home due to circumstances, as would be the case of a widow that lacks financial support. In such instance, sharī’ah has allowed a woman to leave the home to earn an income that would fulfil her necessities, provided she observes the laws of sharī’ah and hijāb.
In reference to your query, your friend is married and intends to take tuitions in order to support her ailing mother, younger brother and sister. Her intentions are praiseworthy and her endeavour to serve her mother is notable. In a compelling situation of this nature, when there are no other males to support the ailing mother and children, your friend may take tuitions to earn money, provided she observes the laws of sharī’ah and hijāb. She may utilize her income to support her mother, as well as her mother’s family, though they are non Muslims. However, if there are other male relatives that could take care of the ailing mother and her children, they should offer assistance and absolve your friend from working.  
Similarly, it will be allowed for a widow or a non-married woman that lacks financial support and unable to fulfil her necessities, to seek an income provided she does so whilst observing the laws of sharī’ah and hijāb. 
( ولا تخرج معتدة رجعي وبائن ) ..........فيلزمها أن تكتري بيت الزوج معراج ( لو حرة ) أو أمة مبوأة ولو من فاسد .... بخلاف نحو أمة لتقدم حق العبد ( ومعتدة موت تخرج في الجديدين وتبيت ) أكثر الليل ( في منزلها ) لأن نفقتها عليها فتحتاج للخروج حتى لو كان عندها كفايتها صارت كالمطلقة فلا يحل لها الخروج  فتح وجوز في القنية خروجها لإصلاح ما بد لها منه كزراعة ولا وكيل لها
(الدر المختار مع حاشية ابن عابدين ، 3/535، سعيد)
قال في الفتح والحاصل أن مدار حل خروجها بسبب قيام شغل المعيشة فيتقدر بقدره فمتى انقضت حاجتها لا يحل لها بعد ذلك صرف الزمان خارج بيتها اه  وبهذا اندفع قول البحر إن الظاهر من كلامهم جواز خروج المعتدة عن وفاة نهارا ولو كان عندها نفقة وإلا لقالوا لا تخرج المعتدة عن طلاق أو موت إلا لضرورة فإن المطلقة تخرج للضرورة ليلا أو نهارا اه ووجه الدفع أن معتدة الموت لما كانت في العادة محتاجة إلى الخروج لأجل أن تكتسب للنفقة قالوا إنها تخرج في النهار وبعض الليل بخلاف المطلقة  وأما الخروج للضرورة فلا فرق فيه بينهما كما نصوا عليه فيما يأتي فالمراد به هنا غير الضرورة ولهذا بعد ما أطلق في كافي الحاكم منع خروج المطلقة قال والمتوفي عنها زوجها تخرج بالنهار لحاجتها ولا تبيت في غير منزلها فهذا صريح في الفرق بينهما نعم عبارة المتون يوهم ظاهرها ما قاله في البحر فلو قيدوا خروجها بالحاجة كما فعل في الكافي لكان أظهر
(حاشية ابن عابدين ، 3/536 ، سعيد)
And Allah knows best
Wassalaamu `alaykum
Ml. Talha Desai,
Student Darul Iftaa

Checked and Approved by:
Mufti Ebrahim Desai
Darul Iftaa, Madrassah In'aamiyyah


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