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Question Summary:
Q-1, I am staying in House wherein the agreement is on Leased Base, Written agreement given by owner, Paid Amount by me 1.6lacs,…. 2-Hazrath , Could u pls provide me list of 77 shaaks of eimaan?

Question Detail:

Q-1, I am staying in House wherein the agreement is on Leased Base,  Written agreement given by owner, Paid Amount by me 1.6lacs, Tenure of staying 3 years, No rent to be  paid, 1.6lacs, will be given back after the completion of tenure, with 3000 deduction as Painting charge, if I want to vacant home  before the tenure I should inform before 3 months, this is how the written agreement given by owner,  it looks like, the rent of home is the interest of money which I have paid, so orally I made agreement with Owner (they are Muslims) like I will pay 200 rupees Monthly as a rent so that I can come out of interest(riba) related transaction, & the owner agreed happily. Am I inline with shariah? Pls clarify

2-Hazrath , Could u pls provide me list of 77 shaaks of eimaan?

Answer :





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In the name of Allāh, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Assalāmu ῾alaykum wa Rahmatullāhi Wabarakātuh
A) We understand from your query that you will pay 200 rupees per month as rent as well as the initial amount of 1.6 lacs (which is a customary practise) that will be returned to you at the end of the lease period.
If our understanding is correct, it will not be permissible to enter into such a contract. There is no basis for you to pay a sum of 1.6 lacs whilst you are paying 200 rupees per month as rent.

B) In a Hadith of Sahih Muslim, Hazrat Abu Hurairah (رضي الله عنه) reports that Rasulullah (صلى الله عليه وسلم) has mentioned:
“Imaan has over seventy or over sixty branches. The most virtuous is to say لا إله إلا الله, the lowest is to remove some harmful object from the path and Modesty is a branch of Imaan”
(Sahih Muslim, vol.1, pg.195,Darul Ma’rifah)[1]
According to Shu’bul Imaan of Allamah Baihaqi, the 77 branches of Imaan are as follows:
1. To believe in Allah.
2. To believe in the messengers of Allah.
3. To believe in the Angels.
4. To believe in the Quran and all other divine books.
5. To believe in predestination.
6. To believe in the last day.
7. To believe in resurrection after death.
8. To believe that mankind will be gathered after they are resurrected from their graves.
9. To believe that Jannah is the abode of the believers and Jahannam is the abode of the Kuffaar.
10. To believe it is obligatory to love Allah.
11. To believe it is obligatory to fear Allah.
12. To believe it is obligatory to have hope in Allah.
13. To believe it is obligatory to put ones trust on Allah.
14. To believe it is obligatory to love Nabi
(صلى الله عليه وسلم).
15. To believe it is obligatory to revere Nabi
(صلى الله عليه وسلم).
16. A person is so passionate for his deen that it is more pleasing for him to be thrown in the fire than to renounce Islam.
17. To acquire (Islamic) knowledge and to acquire the virtues of knowledge and the virtue of the learned.
18. To propagate beneficial knowledge.
19. To honour the Quran by learning and teaching it, to stay within its boundaries and jurisdictions, to know what it permits and what it prohibits and  to revere the people of Quran.
20. Purity.

21. The five daily Salaah.
22. Zakaat.
23. Saum (to fast in the month of Ramadaan)
24. I’tikaaf.
25.  Hajj.
26. Jihad and its types.
27. To guard the boundaries in the path of Allah.
28. To remain firm against the enemy and not to escape the battle field.
29. To hand over 1/5 of the booty to the leader or his collector.
30. To free a slave in order to gain proximity to Allah.
31. The obligatory compensations (for certain crimes).
32. To fulfil contracts (and Promises).
33. To enumerate the bounties of Allah and to be grateful for them.
34. To protect the tongue against that which there is no need.
35. To fulfil trusts.
36. Prohibition to kill another person.
37. To protect the private organs from Haraam.
38. To refrain from Haraam wealth.
39. To exercise precaution with regards to food and drink and to abstain from Haraam foods.
40. To abstain from prohibited clothing and utensils.

41. To abstain from games and amusement that is contrary to Shariah.
42. To be moderate in expenditure.
43. Not to harbour ill feelings or jealousy.
44. To respect the honour of people and not to ridicule others.
45. To do an act sincerely for the pleasure of Allah and not for show.
46. To be pleased with a good action and grief over an evil action.
47. To hasten towards Taubah after every sin.
48. Sacrifices done to attain proximity to Allah (i.e. Hadi’, Udhiyah and Aqeeqah)
49. To obey those of authority.
50. To hold fast onto that which the Ahlus Sunnah wal Jamāat are upon.
51. To pass a ruling between people with justice.
52. To command towards good and to forbid from evil.
53. To assist in acts of virtue and piety.
54. Modesty.
55. Kindness towards parents.
56. To join family ties.
57. Good character.
58. To be kind towards ones slaves.
59. To fulfil the rights of the master.
60. To fulfil the rights of one’s children and family.
61. To remain close to the righteous, love them, greet them shake hands with them.
62. To reply to someone who made Salaam.
63. To visit the sick.
64. To perform Janazah Salaah upon a Muslim who passed away.
65. To reply to the person who sneezed.
66. To distance one’s self from the Kuffaar and those who cause corruption and to be hard towards them.
67. To honour one’s neighbour.
68. To honour one’s guest.
69. To conceal the faults of others. 
70. To be patient in difficult times.
71. To exercise abstinence and not to have high hopes.
72. To be possessive and not to fulfil ones carnal desires.
73. To avoid futile activities.
74. Generosity.
75. To have mercy on the young and to honour the elders.
76. To reconcile between people.
77. For a person to love for his Muslim brother that which he loves for himself and to dislike for him that which he dislikes for himself.

And Allāh Ta῾āla knows best
Wassalāmu ῾alaykum
Mufti Ebrahim Desai
Dārul Iftā, Madrasah In῾āmiyyah

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