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Question Summary:
Is it permissible for a Muslim man to become a Gynaecologist if…

Question Detail:

As-Salaam Alaykum Mufti Saheb,
Is it permissible for a Muslim man to become a Gynaecologist if
There are other Muslim men in this profession?
Other Muslim Women?
Other Non-Muslim men?
Other Non-Muslim women?
There are such doctors, but there are several Midwives?

Jazaakum Allahu Khayran

Answer :

In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Assalaamu `alaykum waRahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
Working in such a specialty should be limited to women, unless there is dire necessity in a given country for this specialty and if there are no women who could do the job as mentioned in the question. But men working in such a field should act within the limits of Shari’ah.

So, if those who carry out this job are unskilled non-Muslim workers, then it would be better that a good Muslim man carries out this mission but not exceeding the minimum necessary.

Midwives won’t fulfil the job of a gynaecologist because they are autonomous practitioners who are specialists in a low-risk pregnancy, childbirth, and the postpartum stage. They generally strive to help women have a healthy pregnancy and natural birth experience. Midwives are trained to recognize and deal with deviations from the norm. Obstetricians/gynaecologist, in contrast, are specialists in illness related to childbearing and in surgery. The two professions can be complementary, but often are at odds because obstetricians are taught to "actively manage" labour, while midwives are taught not to intervene unless necessary.

Finally, there should be a real Endeavour to train Muslim women to do this.

And Allah Ta'ala Knows Best

Wassalamu Alaykum

Ml. Mohammad Ashhad bin Said
Correspondence Iftaa Student, Mauritius
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