Question Summary: Can the Wakeel keep a gift accrued through Wakalah? Question Detail:
A close friend who is very well in life wants to buy some frames and the owner made 22.000 rands he agreed and gave me the money but me I discussed with the business owner and managed to get all for 20.000 rands plus 2 small tables that are + - 2.000 rands, now the question is: 1. Do I have to inform the friend that I got the 2 tables for free or is it my business 2. If I don’t inform, is it Haraam for me? 3. He gave 22.000 rands and for him is already good price as first price was 28.000 rands. But now I am paying 20.000 rands as I spend the day discussing and calling him to bring the price down. But I don’t want to keep the 2.000 rands cash for me.
Answer :
In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. As-salāmu ‘alaykum wa-rahmatullāhi wa-barakātuh. Our understanding of your query is as follows: 1. Person A, your friend purchased frames from B, the seller for R22000.00. 2. A appointed yourself to purchase the frames from B, the seller on his behalf. 3. You negotiated the price with B, who agreed to sell the frames for R20.000. 4. B, the seller sold the frames for R20.000 and gave you a gift of two tables worth the value of R2000.00. We have analyzed your query and hereunder is our response: The contract between yourself and your friend is referred to as Wakalah (agency). Therefore, all the Shar’ee rules and laws of Wakalah will apply. The agent is referred to as Wakeel and the principle is referred as the Mu’akkil. 1. The above Wakalah (agency) is valid. 2. In principle, the money held by the Wakeel (agent) on behalf of the Mu’akkil (principle) is an Amanah (trust). Therefore, the wakeel will have to return the balance of R2000 to your friend. 3. The Fuaqahaa have mentioned that that there should not be any element of ambiguity in the contract of agency that could possibly lead to a dispute between the Wakeel and Mu’akkil. In the scenario in reference, if the Mu’akkil is informed that you had received a gift, that may lead to a dispute. Therefore, you are obligated to inform the Mu’akkil of the two tables gifted to you. The Mu’akkil may then decide to give you the tables or keeps them for himself. And Allah Ta’āla Knows Best Ismail Desai, Student Darul Iftaa Durban, South Africa Checked and Approved by, Mufti Ebrahim Desai.