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Question Summary:
1) Can I do Delievery Work in PIZZA shop that sell pork in PIZZA?…2) Can I do work as Sales Assistant where I have to scan Alcohol or HARAM food (like PORK etc) on the TILL?

Question Detail:

I am living in UK. I am doing full time job as a Web Developer. But, now as my father is retired and doing no job so from my salary I have to send them money. My salary is a bit short according to my expenses so I want to do part-time job but the problem is that where ever I find job does involve HARAM stuff like if I want to work in any supermarket (like Sainsbury, TESCO, ALDI or any Petrol station/Garages etc) they sell Alcohol and HARAM foods which we have to serve/Scan when you are on TILL. Secondly, If I want to do Food Delivery Job like in Pizza Shop (Dominos etc) they sell Pork in PIZZA. Let me tell you one more thing I do have some savings (that I was saving every month for my family like for kids higher studies or etc but now obviously not saving) and every month I have to take money out from my savings. So, my question is that can I do any work that I mentioned above in this Circumstances to full fill my expenses every month so that I don't have to take money out from my savings.
1) Can I do Delievery Work in PIZZA shop that sell pork in PIZZA?
2) Can I do work as Sales Assistant where I have to scan Alcohol or HARAM food (like PORK etc) on the TILL?
I am very confused and worried. I really don't know what can I do. I have searched a lot but couldn't find any HALAL job in UK as part time. I don't want to earn any money that is HARAM so please guide me that what shall I do? Please give me detail answer that if I am allow work what I mentioned above is that only in this cicumstances or for anyone. Please remember that I am doing full time job but looking for such kind of job as part-time. JAZAK ALLAH

Answer :

In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Assalaamu `alaykum waRahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
In most stores, a person is paid for making themselves available to carryout work, not for the actual work itself.  For example, the employee is paid the same regardless of how much work needed to be completed or was actually completed on a particular day.  In fact, on a slow day at the store, if the employee has no work to do, he is still paid regardless. 
Therefore, when a person works at the store, his pay is not from the actual scanning of items at the cash register or from the deliveries.  Rather, he is paid for his time he dedicated to the store to carryout whatever work he is asked to perform. 
Hence, even though the actual act of scanning the alcohol or delivering harām food is not proper, his income is still completely halāl.  However, while continuing his employment at the store where he has to perform such actions, he should still actively look for employment where he will not fall into such predicaments, such as working as a clothing store, for example.
الأجير المشترك من يستحق الأجر بالعمل لا بتسليم نفسه للعمل والأجير الخاص من يستحق الأجر بتسليم النفس وبمضي المدة، ولا يشترط العمل في حقه لاستحقاق الأجر
(المحيط البرهاني، كتاب الإحارة، الفصل الثامن والعشرون: 12/38؛ إدارة)
المعقود عليه في حق الأجير الوحد تسليم النفس في مدة عمل أو لم يعمل والأجر في حقه بمقابلة تسليم النفس لا بمقابلة العمل وإذا لم يكن الأجر في حقه بمقابلة العمل كان معينا في حق العمل فلا يستحق عليه عمل سليم
(المحيط البرهاني، كتاب الإجارة، الفصل الثامن والعشرون: 12/40؛ إدارة)
والمشترك من يستوجب الأجر بالعمل ويعمل لغير واحد ولهذا يسمى مشتركا ولا خلاف أن أجير الواحد لا يكون ضامنا لما تلف في يده من غير صنعه وهو الذي يستوجب البدل بمقابلة منافعه حتى إذا سلم النفس استوجب الأجر وإن لم يستعمله صاحبه ولا يملك أن يؤجر نفسه من آخر في تلك المدة
(المبسوط للسرخسي، كتاب الإجارات، باب متى يجب للعامل الأجر: 15/89-90؛ فكر)
( والثاني ) وهو الأجير ( الخاص ) ويسمى أجير واحد ( وهو من يعمل لواحد عملا مؤقتا بالتخصيص ويستحق الأجر بتسليم نفسه في المدة وإن لم يعمل
قال الإمام ابن عابدين في حاشيته:
قوله ( وإن لم يعمل ) أي إذا تمكن من العمل فلو سلم نفسه ولم يتمكن منه لعذر كمطر ونحوه لا أجر له كما في المعراج عن الذخيرة
(رد المحتار، كتاب الإجارة، باب ضمان الأجير: 6/69؛ سعيد)
الأجير المشترك من يستحق الأجر بالعمل لا بتسليم نفسه للعمل والأجير الخاص من يستحق الأجر بتسليم نفسه وبمضي المدة ولا يشترط العمل في حقه لاستحقاق الأجر
(الفتاوى الهندية، كتاب الإجارة، باب الثامن والعشرون: 4/500؛ رشيدية)
And Allah knows best
Wassalamu Alaikum
Ml. Abrar Mirza,
Student Darul Iftaa

Checked and Approved by:
Mufti Ebrahim Desai
Darul Iftaa, Madrassah In'aamiyyah

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