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Question Summary:
Which is more important in Esha salaat – the 2 rakaats Nafl before Witr or after Witr salaat?…How many rakaats should one perform for Qasr (when travelling) for the various salaats?…I heard in a lecture that it is virtuous to recite Kulazubirabilfalak is there any merit to this…I notice that some people tend to perform their Magrib Nafl salaat sitting down on a daily basis. …

Question Detail:

1. Which is more important in Esha salaat - the 2 rakaats Nafl before Witr or after Witr salaat?
2. How many rakaats should one perform for Qasr (when travelling) for the various salaats?
3. I heard in a lecture that it is virtuous to recite Kulazubirabilfalak & Kulazubirabinaas in both the rakaats of the Magrib Nafl salaat. Is there any merit in this?
4. I notice that some people tend to perform their Magrib Nafl salaat sitting down on a daily basis. Is there any merit in this or is this a Bidat practice?

Answer :

In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
Assalaamu `alaykum waRahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
1.      Both salats are voluntary. You may perform both or any one according to your convenience. Nafl salats are important in terms of ones status being elevated by Allah.
2.      Ther is Qasr is Zohar, Asr and Esha salats. From four rakats to two rakats. There is no Qasr in Fajr and Maghrib salats. One does not have to perform sunnat salats in safr with the exception Fajr sunats. If one chooses to perform the four rakats of sunnat salats, then there is no Qasr in that. The full sunnats will have to be performed.
3.      There is no specific virtue of reciting these suras in the sunnats of Maghrib salah.
4.      It is permissible to perform the Maghrib sunnats sitting. However, the reward will be decreased.
And Allah knows best
Mufti Ebrahim Desai
Darul Iftaa, Madrassah In'aamiyyah

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