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Question Summary:
What is the antonym of Al-Rahbaniyya (Monasticism)?

Question Detail:

Assalamualikum,Please Answer my questions
Q1)what is the rulling if one stands & started reading quran after 2nd rakat in taraweeh,please Reply?
Q2))what is the opposite word to rahbaniyat,is it ahbaniyat please answer?
Please Answer my questions Jazakallahu kair.

Answer :

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
As-salāmu ‘alaykum wa-rahmatullāhi wa-barakātuh.
1. The question is not clear. Please kindly clarify and resubmit your inquiry in detail.
2. Rahbaniya (monasticism) is the practice of retreating from the world and the general populace while undergoing self-inflicted hardships which have no evidence in the Shariah such as putting chains around one's neck or castrating oneself. Rahbaniya is not permissible in Islam. [i]
The antonym of rahbaniya is not ahbaniya. The opposite of rahbaniya is to practice zuhd and taqwa while living among the general populace while seeking and enjoying the blessings that Allah has placed for you in the earth in a halal and permissible way.
And Allah Ta’āla Knows Best
Sohail ibn Arif,
Student Darul Iftaa
Chicago, USA

Checked and Approved by,
Mufti Ebrahim Desai.

قال ابن الأَثير: هي من رَهْبَنةِ النصارى. قال: وأَصلها من الرَّهْبةِ: الخَوْفِ؛ كانوا يَتَرَهَّبُون بالتَّخَلي من أَشْغالِ الدنيا، وتَرْكِ مَلاذِّها، والزُّهْدِ فيها [i]
 والعُزلةِ عن أَهلِها، وتَعَهُّدِ مَشاقِّها، حتى إِنَّ منهم مَن كان يَخْصِي نَفْسَه ويَضَعُ السِّلسلةَ في عُنقه وغير ذلك من أَنواع التعذيب، فنفاها النبيُّ، صلى اللّه
عليه وسلم، عن الإِسلام، ونهى المسلمين عنها
  لسان العرب، ١/ ٤٣٧ - ٤٣٨ دار صادر – بيروت

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