Question Summary: Ramadan Quota per day full Question Detail:
My father is having 6 sons and 3 daughters. First 3 members are male childrens.First son is Hafiz, Maulvi. He is doing imamath in mosque.
I am 2nd son of my father.My father is a old cloth merchant and he cannot bear this big family expenses like education and marriages of daughters.
We 3 sons grew up and by the grace of allah We dedicated our whole earnings to our father to complete his parental responsibilites such as education of all my brothers and marriages of my 2 sisters.
we 3 dedicated all our earnings to our brothers and sisters. we did not keep anything for us.
Apart from this my father is owning 3 shops, we are receiving a small amount of rent from these shops and a open land plot.
Mean while we 3 got marriages with our own expenses and we have our own daughters and sons.
Now we have our 3rd (last sister's) marriage.
My Father insisting us to take responsibility of this 3rd daughthers beside he is having this open land plot. And we are telling him to sell this plot and complete the marriage.
Also our father is telling that this 3 shops are for the last 3 sons(who did not do anything to the family till now, and they are still doing their education) and not for elder 3 sons, who took family responsibilites for the last 12 years and because of them the shops are still POSSESSION of our family. Our questions are
1. Now, we 3 brothers are married and having daughters and sons, do we need to help our father to complete the marriage of his 3rd daughter?
2. As per sharia what would be our share in the properties who took all responsibilities till now and responsible for the POSSESSION of shops till now.
3. Are these younger 3 brothers have a share in this property beside doing nothing to this family.
Answer :
In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
Assalaamu `alaykum waRahmatullahi Wabarakatoh Due to Ramadan we are only answering selected queries at the moment. Kindly re submit your question after Ramadan. Mufti Ebrahim Desai Saheb is out of country and will be taking questions after Ramadan. Wassalam Admin
Darul Iftaa, Madrassah In'aamiyyah