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Question Summary:
Is lipstick that contains Vanilla Tahitensis fruit extract (natural extract) permissible for me to use?

Question Detail:

Salams, I would like to know whether it would be permissable for me to use a lipstick which has the ingredient Vanilla Tahitensis Fruit Extract (Natural Extract) in it as it's an extract and many extracts contain ethanol. As in the rulinG of Carmine in lipsticks which is not allowed because of the chance it maybe consumed i would like to know the ruling for the above mentioned ingredient.

Answer :

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
As-salāmu ‘alaykum wa-rahmatullāhi wa-barakātuh.
It will be permissible for a female to apply lipstick that contains Vanilla Tahitensis fruit extract.[i] In adorning herself, a woman should take note of the limitations Shariah has placed upon her, ffor example, not to adorn oneself in public.
And Allah Ta’āla Knows Best
Saanwal ibn Muhammad,
Student Darul Iftaa

Checked and Approvedby,
Mufti Ebrahim Desai Saheb


[i](قال - رَحِمَهُاللَّهُ -: ونبيذالعسلوالتينونبيذالحنطةوالذرةوالشعيرحلالوإنلميطبخ) ش: أيقالالقدوريفي " مختصره " م: (وهذا) ش: أيقولهحلالم: (عندأبيحنيفةوأبييوسف -رحمهماالله - إذاكانمنغيرلهووطرب) ش: قيدبهذاالقيدلأنهإذاشربلأجلاللهو،والطربيحرمبالاتفاق

(البناية، ج15، ص115، المكتبة الحقانية)



(حاشيةالطحطاويعلىالمراقي، ج2، ص279)



 وَأَمَّاالْأَشْرِبَةُالْمُتَّخَذَةُمِنْالشَّعِيرِأَوْالذُّرَةِأَوْالتُّفَّاحِأَوْالْعَسَلِإذَااشْتَدَّ،وَهُوَمَطْبُوخٌأَوْغَيْرُمَطْبُوخٍفَإِنَّهُيَجُوزُشُرْبُهُمَادُونَالسَّكَرِعِنْدَأَبِيحَنِيفَةَوَأَبِييُوسُفَ - رَحِمَهُمَااللَّهُتَعَالَى

(الفتاوي الهندية، ج5، ص414، مكتبة رشيدية)


فتاوى حقانية، ج٥، ص١٩٩)





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