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Question Summary:
Is it permissible to use gold and silver plated utensils? What about stainless steel utensils?

Question Detail:

I know the hadith about eating from silver and gold: that it is tantamount to eating fire into our belly and that such things are for the kuffar in this world and that our silver and gold is in Jannah, inshallah. My question is: Is it only prohibited to use real silver and gold utensils or is it also prohibited to use stainless steel and gold plated utensils such as flasks, trays, cups etc? Jazakallah khair

Answer :





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In the Name of Allāh, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
As-salāmu ‘alaykum wa-rahmatullāhi wa-barakātuh.

Utensils can be categorized into four types:

1)     Utensils made from gold or silver
2)     Utensils made of materials other than gold and silver
3)     Utensils made of materials other than gold and silver but are embellished with pieces of gold or silver.
4)     Utensils made of materials other than gold and silver but are coated with gold or silver and the gold and silver cannot be detached and separated from the actual utensil, such as gold and silver plated utensils.

Hereunder are the rulings of
each type:

1) Utensils made from gold or silver cannot be used for eating or drinking at all. The hadith referred to in your query refers to this type of utensils.

2) It is permissible to use utensils made of materials other than gold and silver. Stainless steel falls under this type; hence, it will be permissible to use stainless steel utensils.

Note that some fuqaha have classified using utensils made from copper and copper alloy (such as brass and bronze) to be makrooh due to its harmful effect on the health because of copper contamination. Other fuqaha have deemed using copper and copper alloy utensils to be permissible. Therefore, the permissibility and impermissibility of using copper and copper alloy utensils will depend on whether or not it is harmful to one’s health, as it is possible that certain types of food react adversely with copper, whereas others do not.  If, however, the copper or copper alloy utensil is coated with another metal/material that is not harmful to the health and that acts as a barrier between the copper and the food, then using such a utensil will be permissible without any karaaha (reprehensibility).
في الشامية: ( قوله ويكره الأكل في نحاس أو صفر ) عزاه في الدر المنتقى إلى المفيد والشرعة ؛ والصفر -مثل قفل وكسر الصاد - لغة النحاس ، وقيل أجوده ، مصباح. وفي شرح الشرعة: هو شيء مركب من المعدنيات كالنحاس والأسرب وغير ذلك ا هـ. ثم قيد النحاس بالغير المطلي بالرصاص ، وهكذا قال بعض من كتب على هذا الكتاب : أي قبل طليه بالقصدير والشب لأنه يدخل الصدأ في الطعام فيورث ضررا عظيما وأما بعده فلا ا هـ. أقول : والذي رأيته في الاختيار: واتخاذها من الخزف أفضل إذ لا سرف فيه ولا مخيلة ، وفي الحديث " { من اتخذ أواني بيته خزفا زارته الملائكة } " ويجوز اتخاذها من نحاس أو رصاص ا هـ. وفي الجوهرة : وأما الآنية من غير الفضة والذهب فلا بأس بالأكل والشرب فيها والانتفاع بها كالحديد والصفر والنحاس والرصاص والخشب والطين ا هـ. فتنبه
( رد المحتار: 9/566، كتاب الحظر والإباحة، دار المعرفة )
3) Utensils that are made of materials other than gold and silver but are embellished with pieces of gold or silver can only be used for eating and drinking with the condition that the main part of the body intended to be used with such a utensil does not touch the gold and silver. Therefore, in a cup embellished with gold and silver, the condition is that the mouth does not touch the gold and silver. In a plate, tray and jug embellished with gold and silver, the condition is that the hand does not touch the gold and silver. Without the aforementioned condition, it will not be permissible to eat and drink from such utensils.

4) Utensils
that are made of materials other than gold and silver but are coated with gold or silver and the gold and silver cannot be detached and separated from the actual utensil – such as gold and silver plated utensils – can be used even if one’s hand and mouth touches the gold and silver coating.
( رد المحتار: 9/564-569، كتاب الحظر والإباحة، دار المعرفة )
( الفتاوى البزازية: 2/486-487، كتاب الكراهية، السابع في اللبس، دار الكتب العلمية )
( فتاوى قاضيخان: 3/315-316، كتاب الحظر والإباحة، باب ما يكره من الثياب والحلي والزينة وما لا يكره، دار الكتب العلمية )
( الإختيار في تعليل المختار: 2/391-392، كتاب الكراهية، فصل في حكم الحرير والحلي، دار قباء )
( الهداية:  7/180-183، كتاب الكراهية، فصل في الأكل والشرب، مكتبة البشرى )
( فتاوى محموديه: 19/355-356، كتاب الحظر والإباحة، باب استعمال الذهب والفضة، ديوبند )
And Allāh knows best.
Ml. Faizal Riza
, Australia
Concurred by:
Muftī Abrar Mirza
, IL (USA)
Under the Supervision of Muftī Ebrahim Desai (South Africa)

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