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Question Summary:
Is it permissible to do Tabligh work without the approval of my parents?

Question Detail:

Assalamu Alaikum, I am ..... from india. I am in the noble work of dhawat-tablige, but my parents are severly opposing it. I completed ...chillas in the path of allah, but my parents didn't know this. The reason I hided the information is due to my parents strong opposition to this work, instead I said a lie that I ll have a training after course completion(studies).
For the past 1 year I have worked in some other city which is far away from my residence, I visit my parents once in a month or two month, So I have no problem to do dhawat work. But now my parents are with me, So again I face the same problem,Since I am the only child to my parents, they show a lot of love on me.
Now I need an advise from you regarding this issue, I need to go in the path of allah for... days. whether I do go by making my parents angry or ll have to wait till the situation get better.

Answer :

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
As-salāmu ‘alaykum wa-rahmatullāhi wa-barakātuh.
It is farz to be sensitive to the feelings of your parents. If your parents do not understand the nobility of the work of tabligh, and are opposed to tabligh, it would not be appropriate for you at this stage to go in tabligh while they are with you.
We advise you to wait until they understand the nobility of the work of tabligh or when they are not staying with you.
It is also important to understand the reasons why your parents are opposed to tabligh and then try to remove the misconceptions with wisdom. Also make dua to Allah to grant you the wisdom and guidance for that.
And Allah Ta’āla Knows Best
Mufti Ebrahim Desai

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