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Question Summary:
If some one has Schizophrenia( a mental illness) , will be he / she considered taken as Insane in Islam.

Question Detail:

Q=1 If some one has Schizophrenia( a mental illness) , will be he / she considered taken as Insane in Islam. Despite the fact If he / she is on treatment but gets occasional flare ups of his disease, he/she commits suicide or any other action whiich is not allowed in Islam, will he/ she be held accountable for his action in qabar or the day of qayamah?

Q=2 My brother passed away nearly 2 months ago and I have been seeing him every other day or so in my dream, despite me not wanting to see this  particular dream where I see his dead body suddenly becomes alive and then start to talk.Throughout the dream I know that he is dead and has woken up. I am very much disturbed by this dream. Poeple say may be I think about him and may have a wish that if he was alive but Mufti Sahib I have never wanted or wished him to be back. I believe in Allahs will and bow infront of HIS decision.Can you please tell me if this dream has any meaning or just shaitan's input ...I am really worried.

Answer :

In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
Assalaamu `alaykum waRahmatullahi Wabarakatoh

  • The condition of such a person is best known by Allah. In principle, if such a person’s mental status of mind was completely astray and reached a state of insanity then he/she will be excused, Inshallah.
  • The dream is a reflection of you love for your brother. May Allah forgive him and elevate his status, Ameen.
  • And Allah knows best
    Mufti Ebrahim Desai
    Darul Iftaa, Madrassah In'aamiyyah

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