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Question Summary:
if my boss comes in my room i have to stand up in his honour i have heard that it is not permissiable according to islamic sharriah

Question Detail:

i am working in government department i ahave a question is it right according to quran u sunnah that if my boss comes in my room i have to stand up in his honour i have heard that it is not permissiable according to islamic sharriah please guide me.

Answer :

Assalāmu `alaikum Warahmatullāhi Wabrakatuh,
It is makrūh for someone to desire others to honor him by standing up for him or that he should stay sitting while people remain standing around him. This is what is prohibited in the hadīth.
However if one does not desire others to stand up for him but a person does so anyways out of love or respect for him (e.g. that person is a pious individual, a religious scholar, a relative, an elder, etc.) then it is not only permissible but rather recommended to stand up for that person.
Rasulullah (salallahu alayhi wa sallam) would stand when his daughter Fatimah (radiyallahu anha) would come to visit him and offer her his seat, and likewise, she used to stand when he (salallahu alayhi wa sallam) used to visit her and make him sit where she had been sitting.
It is not makrūh for you to stand up for someone else even if they do not deserve such honor if you expect to suffer loss or harm from that person by not standing up for him. In these times, the scholars have permitted standing up for such people especially in those places where it is prevalent or customary to stand in order to prevent hatred, resentment and hostility.[i]
And Allah Ta’āla Knows Best
Maulana Sohail Bengali
Student, Darul Iftaa

Checked and Approved by,
Muftī Ebrahim Desai.
[i] (قوله يجوز بل يندب القيام تعظيما للقادم إلخ ) أي إن كان ممن يستحق التعظيم...وفي مشكل الآثار القيام لغيره ليس بمكروه لعينه إنما المكروه محبة القيام لمن يقام له ، فإن قام لمن لا يقام له لا يكره قال ابن وهبان أقول : وفي عصرنا ينبغي أن يستحب ذلك أي القيام لما يورث تركه من الحقد والبغضاء والعداوة لا سيما إذا كان في مكان اعتيد فيه القيام ، وما ورد من التوعد عليه في حق من يحب القيام بين يديه كما يفعله الترك والأعاجم ا هـ قلت : يؤيده ما في العناية وغيرها عن الشيخ الحكيم أبي القاسم كان إذا دخل عليه غني يقوم له ويعظمه ، ولا يقوم للفقراء وطلبة العلم فقيل له في ذلك ، فقال الغني يتوقع مني التعظيم ، فلو تركته لتضرر والفقراء والطلبة إنما يطمعون في جواب السلام والكلام معهم في العلم رد المحتار كتاب الحظر والإباحة: ٩ /٥٥١ دار الكتب العلمية

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