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Question Summary:
If a married man has an affair with other women and has intercourse, will that invalidate his marriage. Similarly, if a married women has an affair with other man and has intercourse, will that invalidate her marriage. What is the ruling.

Question Detail:

If a married man has an affair with other women and has intercourse, will that invalidate his marriage. Similarly, if a married women has an affair with other man and has intercourse, will that invalidate her marriage. What is the ruling.
I went to work in the morning, then i made fresh wuzu at zuhr time and prayed my zuhr, with the same wuzu i prayed asr and maghrib. Then i made wuzu again at eisha time. When i was about to retire to bed, i noticed a white small spot (mazi) of which size was less that 1 pound coin. are all my namaaz accepted. Please tell me the masala about this in depth so that i can understand next time when it happens to me again.
when i have wet dreams, i do istinja and then take bath in sunnah way. Even after that sometimes i see white drops on my undergarment after taking the bath. Will this be counted as mazi or mani. Will this invalidate my ghusl. Please reply soon as i need to know this masalaas as soon as possible.

Answer :

In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
Assalaamu `alaykum waRahmatullahi Wabarakatoh
1.      To have an extra marital affair is a major sin. That incurs the wrath and anger of Allah Taala. Such a person’s life is void of barakah and blessings. He/she should make tawba and Istighfaar and reform his/her life. Extra marital affairs do not invalidate the marriage. The consequence of such an evil may lead to injustices in ones marriage which may be considered to annul the marriage.
2.      Mazi is impure (najis). If it is lesser than the hollow of ones palm, the salah performed with it will be valid but makrooh. If one was not aware of the impurity, he will be excused. If the impurity is more than the hollow of ones palm, then the salah would not be valid. In such a situation, one should ponder as to when the mazi came on to the garment and follow that. If for example one concluded the mazi came before Asr salah, then the Asr and Maghrib should be repeated.
3.      The white drops will be regarded as wadi which is impure. Wadi invalidates wudu, not ghusl.
And Allah knows best
Mufti Ebrahim Desai
Darul Iftaa, Madrassah In'aamiyyah

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