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Question Summary:
iam a hanfi can we pray namaz behind the imam who is other maslak(ex:salfi,shia)..At that time can we say”tabae imam ke”that we usually say.. r our namaz is qhabool..If not should we have to pray namaz again..

Question Detail:

iam a hanfi can we pray namaz behind the imam who is other maslak(ex:salfi,shia)..At that time can we say"tabae imam ke"that we usually say.. r our namaz is qhabool..If not should we have to pray namaz again..

Answer :

In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
Assalaamu `alaykum waRahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
If by maslak (path)you mean salafi and shias, then hereunder is out response.
Salah Behind a Salafi
Salafis are considered to be from the Ahlus Sunnah wal Jamaah inspite of some of our differences with them on interpretations of some issues of Aqaaid. Salah behind a Salafi will be valid, However, if a Salafi does not wash his feet in wuzu and suffices on wiping (masah) on general nylon and cotton socks the his wuzu is invalid. It is not permissible to perform salah behind such a person.
Salah Behind a Shia
There are many groups among Shias. The validity of salah behind a shia depends on the Aqaaid (beliefs) of that Shia. The attached article on Shiaism explains our differences with the mainstream Jafari Shias. Salah behind this group of Shias is not valid. (Please see : http://www.al-inaam.com/fataawa/shia_kafir.htm )
And Allah knows best
Mufti Ebrahim Desai
Darul Iftaa, Madrassah In'aamiyyah

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