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Question Summary:
I would like to comment and express my concern regarding the response on Fatwa #17502; dated February 13th 2009. The person who sent their question in advised …

Question Detail:

I would like to comment and express my concern regarding the response on Fatwa #17502; dated February 13th 2009.  The person who sent their question in advised that he had intercourse with his wife whilst she was fasting.  He also explained that she was “stopping” him.  Upon reading the response by Ml. Luqman Hansrot, Student Darul Iftaa which was checked and Approved by Mufti Ebrahim Desai, I was surprised, concerned and very disappointed to learn that the fact that this mans actions was not address by the respondent.  He stated he had intercourse with his wife knowing that she was fasting and not only that, she was trying to stop him!!!  I am not someone who has the tendency to complain about things, but I read the Q&A’s on ask Imam regularly for ilm and after reading the response to this question, I’m very disappointed that the insensitivity of this man towards his wife was not addressed.  We are mu’mins from a fair, just and highly respectable faith Alhamdulillah and the answers on Ask imam should reflect this.  But sadly on this occasion, I feel very let down and saddened.  If a non Muslim was to read an answer as such, it could suggest that (ALLAH FORBID) Islam has no issues with rape – Astagfirullah.  The responses on Ask Imam should also be treated as dawah for Muslims and non Muslims but unfortunately on this occasion I believe it would have the adverse effect.  I fully understand that the volume of questions Ask Imam receives is very high but I am concerned and feel that these types of questions should be responded to with a bit more sensitivity to demonstrate that Islam does not condone this type of behaviour.  Masha’Allah it is a faith of modesty, integrity, respect and many other wonderful attributes that perhaps the questioner should have been reminded of.

Answer :

In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Assalaamu `alaykum waRahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
Alhamdulilah, we are very pleased to here that you have benefited a lot by frequenting the Ask Imam website and keeping a close look by reading and scrutinizing every fatwa answered. I appreciate your comments and expression passed on fatwa no #17502. However, please bear in mind that fatwas are answered according to the understanding and analysis of the respondent.

In this time and age, there is a general complacency in matters of Deen. People don’t bother on practising on Shariah or even asking about issues of Deen. Whoever presents a question is motivated by Deen and Allah consciousness. In the case in reference, if the person wanted he could have simply carried on with life and do as he wished. No one forced him to ask a question. He was driven by his consciousness. Our attitude is to encourage and assist people to practise on Deen. If we would reprimand the person there is a possibility that he would be discouraged. Other persons following the site like you may also be discouraged especially when there was acknowledgement of his mistake. Furthermore, as Muslims while we should be sensitive to the way we propagate Deen, We should not compromise on our values and be affected by the western values.
And Allah knows best
Wassalam u Alaikum
Ml. Luqman Hansrot,
Student Darul Iftaa

Checked and Approved by:
Mufti Ebrahim Desai
Darul Iftaa, Madrassah In'aamiyyah

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