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Question Summary:
I have problems with watching porn. So i thought about watching animated porn is that jaiz as long as you dont end up masturbating? please answer since one cannot look at the girls.

Question Detail:

I have problems with watching porn. So i thought about watching animated porn is that jaiz as long as you dont end up masturbating? please answer since one cannot look at the girls.

Answer :

Assalāmu `alaikum Warahmatullāhi Wabrakatuh,
Almighty Allah says:
And do not go close to zina for it is immoral.
To watch any type of porn including animated porn is haram.The mere watching of such dirty, filthy and immoral evil contents is zina of the eyes.
Rasulullah salallahu alayhi wasallam said: The two eyes commit zina and the zina of the eyes is to see (haram). The eyes are a great bounty from Allah Ta’ala.It should be used to fulfill one needs and to see the power of Allah and to get close to Allah. The eyes are a tunnel leading to the reservoirs of the heart and mind. The heart will feel and the mind will think according to the contents they are fed with through the eyes. If one sees the creation of Allah, the heart and mind will be fed with the majesty of Allah that will make one close to Allah. Anything that takes one away from Allah for example watching porn, women etc. fulfills ones passion and keeps one away from Allah is haram.
Thank Allah for the eyes. What if you were blind? Make tauba to Allah for abusing this great gift and make a firm resolve never to resort to such a shameful act. Try to obtain literature on shame modest evil glances of a great wali of our time-Hazrat Moulana Hakeem Akhtar Saheb Damat Barakatuhum.His literature makes one resent evil glances and replaces superficial love with real love for Allah. The ultimate love.
And Allah Ta'ala Knows Best,
Muftī Ebrahim Desai
35 Candella Rd, Durban, South Africa


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